CHRIST (Deemed to University), Bangalore


School of Social Sciences

Syllabus for

Academic Year  (2024)



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course is designed to introduce some branches of mathematics used to understand microeconomic theory and macroeconomic theory in a lucid manner. The course begins by introducing students to the idea of basic concepts of linear algebra and its application in economics. The course then systematically introduces students to the higher level of mathematics such as, differential equation and difference equations; and their applications in the field of microeconomics and macroeconomics at the intermediate level.

Course Objectives:

On completion of the course the students will be able to:

(1) understand linear algebra, differential equations and difference equations; and its application in economics. 

(2) apply the mathematical tools and techniques that are commonly applied to understand and analyse economic models like the Leontief model, growth model, cobweb model etc.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate problem-solving skills in mathematical sciences.

CO2: Use efficiently mathematical tools in the analysis of economic and social problems.

CO3: Address current economic issues and trends.

CO4: Express proficiency in oral and written communications to appreciate innovation in research.

Teaching Hours:8
Elements of Linear Algebra I

Matrix; Matrix Operations: Addition, Subtraction, Scalar Multiplication and Multiplication; Laws of Matrix Algebra: Commutative, Associative and Distributive; Matrix expression of a System of Linear Equations.

Teaching Hours:8
Elements of Linear Algebra I

Matrix; Matrix Operations: Addition, Subtraction, Scalar Multiplication and Multiplication; Laws of Matrix Algebra: Commutative, Associative and Distributive; Matrix expression of a System of Linear Equations.

Teaching Hours:10
Elements of Linear Algebra II

Determinants; Rank of a Matrix; Minors, Cofactors, Adjoint and Inverse Matrices; Laplace Expansion; Solving Linear Equations with the Inverse; Cramer’s Rule for Matrix Solutions; Application in Economics: Input-Output Analysis using Matrices, IS-LM analysis using Matrices

Teaching Hours:10
Elements of Linear Algebra II

Determinants; Rank of a Matrix; Minors, Cofactors, Adjoint and Inverse Matrices; Laplace Expansion; Solving Linear Equations with the Inverse; Cramer’s Rule for Matrix Solutions; Application in Economics: Input-Output Analysis using Matrices, IS-LM analysis using Matrices

Teaching Hours:15
Differential Equations and their Application

Introduction to Differential Equations: Definitions and Concepts; Exact Differential Equation; Integrating Factor; First-Order Linear Differential Equations-Homogeneous Equation with variable Coefficient, Homogeneous Equation with Constant Coefficient, Non-homogeneous equation with constant coefficient; Economic Application of First-Order Differential Equations: Domar’s growth Model, Dynamic of Market Price-Time Path and Dynamic Stability of Equilibrium.

Teaching Hours:15
Differential Equations and their Application

Introduction to Differential Equations: Definitions and Concepts; Exact Differential Equation; Integrating Factor; First-Order Linear Differential Equations-Homogeneous Equation with variable Coefficient, Homogeneous Equation with Constant Coefficient, Non-homogeneous equation with constant coefficient; Economic Application of First-Order Differential Equations: Domar’s growth Model, Dynamic of Market Price-Time Path and Dynamic Stability of Equilibrium.

Teaching Hours:12
Difference Equations and their Application

Introduction to Difference Equations: Definitions and Concepts; Finite differences; First-Order Linear Difference Equation- Solution of Homogeneous Equations, Solution of Non- homogeneous Equations, Nature of Time Path-A Graphical Approach; Application in Economics: The Cobweb Model; Harrod Model, Dynamic Multiplier.

Teaching Hours:12
Difference Equations and their Application

Introduction to Difference Equations: Definitions and Concepts; Finite differences; First-Order Linear Difference Equation- Solution of Homogeneous Equations, Solution of Non- homogeneous Equations, Nature of Time Path-A Graphical Approach; Application in Economics: The Cobweb Model; Harrod Model, Dynamic Multiplier.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Chiang, A.C. & Wainwright, K. (2013). Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics. (4th ed.). McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited.

Sydsaeter, K. & Hammond, P. (2016). Mathematics for Economic Analysis. New Delhi: Pearson Education Inc.

Dowling, E. T. (2012). Schaum’s Outlines-Introduction to Mathematical Economics. (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw Hill

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Bradley, T. (2013). Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business. London: John Wiley & Sons.

Roser, M. (2003). Basic Mathematics for Economists.  (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge. 

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern



C IA 3









* Mid Semester Exam     ** End Semester Exam

ECO532Y - MONEY AND BANKING (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course exposes students to theory and functioning of the monetary and banking sectors of the economy, with exclusive discussions on the Indian context. It discusses the monetary institutions, determinants of money supply, interest rates, banking reforms, policies for economic stability and Basel norms.

Learning Outcome

CO 1: Explain and evaluate the modern theories related to Money and Banking

CO 2: Summarize and criticize the recent developments in the monetary policy formulation in India

CO 3: Development of banking system in India- commercial banks and failures

CO 4: Recall the history of banking sector reforms in India and critically appraise the recent developments

Teaching Hours:15

Money: Definition, features, functions, kinds of money, kinds of deposits and measures of money supply; Demand for money: classical, neo classical, Keynesian, Baumol’s and Tobins; Supply of money: H theory of money supply, money multiplier process. The Functioning of Gold Standard and Its Breakdown; Bretton Woods System and New Developments in International Monetary System; Monetary Theories – Keynesian, Monetarist, Austrian and Modern Monetary Theory

Teaching Hours:15

Money: Definition, features, functions, kinds of money, kinds of deposits and measures of money supply; Demand for money: classical, neo classical, Keynesian, Baumol’s and Tobins; Supply of money: H theory of money supply, money multiplier process. The Functioning of Gold Standard and Its Breakdown; Bretton Woods System and New Developments in International Monetary System; Monetary Theories – Keynesian, Monetarist, Austrian and Modern Monetary Theory

Teaching Hours:10
Monetary Policy

Relevance of Money and Monetary Policy (objectives, targets, indicator, instruments of monetary policy) in Economy, Budget Deficit; Monetary Base, Money and Inflation (Deflation); Inflation Targeting – History and Relevance in Indian Context

Teaching Hours:10
Monetary Policy

Relevance of Money and Monetary Policy (objectives, targets, indicator, instruments of monetary policy) in Economy, Budget Deficit; Monetary Base, Money and Inflation (Deflation); Inflation Targeting – History and Relevance in Indian Context

Teaching Hours:10
Indian Banking System

Development of Banking since independence; increase in effectiveness of Reserve Bank of India; shortcomings of Indian banking system; commercial Banks; Classification functions, organisation, structure and credit creation; progress of commercial banks and failures of commercial banks in India.

Teaching Hours:10
Indian Banking System

Development of Banking since independence; increase in effectiveness of Reserve Bank of India; shortcomings of Indian banking system; commercial Banks; Classification functions, organisation, structure and credit creation; progress of commercial banks and failures of commercial banks in India.

Teaching Hours:10
Banking Sector Reforms in India

Nationalization of Banks; Narasimham Committee, Chakravarty Committee and Urjit Patel Committee Recommendations; Recent Developments in Banking Sector: Bank Mergers and Acquisitions; Demonetization; Non-performing assets, Basel I; Basel II; Basel III; Issues and Challenges for Indian Banks

Teaching Hours:10
Banking Sector Reforms in India

Nationalization of Banks; Narasimham Committee, Chakravarty Committee and Urjit Patel Committee Recommendations; Recent Developments in Banking Sector: Bank Mergers and Acquisitions; Demonetization; Non-performing assets, Basel I; Basel II; Basel III; Issues and Challenges for Indian Banks

Text Books And Reference Books:

Ball, L. (2011). Money, Banking and Financial Markets. Macmillan.

Burton, M., & Brown, B. (2014). Financial System of the Economy: Principles of Money and Banking: Principles of Money and Banking. Routledge.

Durlauf, S. N., and Blume, L. (2010). Monetary Economics. Palgrave McMillan.

Mishkin, F. S. (2007). The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets. Pearson Education. 

Handa, J. (2009). Monetary Economics. Routledge.

Jayadev, M. (2013). Basel III Implementation: Issues and Challenges for Indian banks. IIMB Management Review, 25(2), 115-130.

Reinhart, C. M., & Rogoff, K. S. (2009). This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly. Princeton University Press.

Sen, S., & Ghosh, S. K. (2005). Basel Norms, Indian Banking Sector and Impact on Credit to SMEs and the Poor. Economic and Political Weekly, 40(12), 1167-1180.


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Various publications of RBI and other agencies / institutions

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern












Mid Semester Exam      ** End Semester Exam


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

The course aims to explain the principles and methods of behavioral economics while contrasting them with standard economic models. It highlights the importance of cognitive ability, social interaction, moral incentives and emotional responses in explaining human behaviour and economic outcomes.

 Course Objectives

The course aims to help students to:

1. Understand the scope of interaction between psychological phenomena and economic variables.

2. analyse the perspectives about economic phenomena outside the spectrum of core economic theories

Learning Outcome

CO1: Identify and explain the most important contributions to behavioural economics

CO2: Examine and analyse the importance of such findings in explanation of economic behaviour and outcomes

Teaching Hours:10
Unit I: Introduction to Behavioural Economics

Nature of Behavioural economics; Methodological approach; Origins of behavioral economics; Neo-classical and behavioral approaches to studying economics.

Teaching Hours:10
Unit I: Introduction to Behavioural Economics

Nature of Behavioural economics; Methodological approach; Origins of behavioral economics; Neo-classical and behavioral approaches to studying economics.

Teaching Hours:25
Unit II: Foundations of Behavioural Economics

Values; Preferences and Choices; the standard model; The neuro scientific basis of utility Beliefs; Heuristics and Biases; The standard model; Probability estimation; Self-evaluation bias- Projection bias- Causes of irrationality Decision making under risk and uncertainty; Risk based assessment; Prospect theory; Reference points; Loss Aversion; Shape of utility function; Decision weighting Mental accounting; Nature and components of mental accounting; Framing and editing; Budgeting and fungibility; Choice bracketing and dynamics.

Teaching Hours:25
Unit II: Foundations of Behavioural Economics

Values; Preferences and Choices; the standard model; The neuro scientific basis of utility Beliefs; Heuristics and Biases; The standard model; Probability estimation; Self-evaluation bias- Projection bias- Causes of irrationality Decision making under risk and uncertainty; Risk based assessment; Prospect theory; Reference points; Loss Aversion; Shape of utility function; Decision weighting Mental accounting; Nature and components of mental accounting; Framing and editing; Budgeting and fungibility; Choice bracketing and dynamics.

Teaching Hours:10
Unit III: Strategic interaction

Nature of behavioural game theory; mixed strategies; Bargaining; Social Preferences: Altruism, envy, fairness and justice.

Teaching Hours:10
Unit III: Strategic interaction

Nature of behavioural game theory; mixed strategies; Bargaining; Social Preferences: Altruism, envy, fairness and justice.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Angner, E. (2016). A Course In Behavioral Economics (2nd  ed.).New York: Palgrave  Macmillan.

Wilkinson, N., &Klaes, M. (2012). An Introduction to Behavioral Economics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Ariely, D. (2008). Predictably Irrational. New York: Harper & Collins.

Camerer, C. F., Loewenstein, G., & Rabin, M. (eds.). (2011). Advances in Behavioral Economics. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Cartwright, E. (2017). Behavioral Economics. London: Routledge.

Jalan, B. (1997). India's Economic Policy. New Delhi: Penguin Books India. Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (2013). Choices, Values, and Frames. In Handbook

Of The Fundamentals Of Financial Decision Making: Part I (pp. 269-278).

Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (Eds.). (2000). Choices, Values, and Frames.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kapila, U. (Eds.). (2009). Indian Economy since Independence. New Delhi: Academic Foundation.

Thaler, R. H., & Sunstein, C. R. (1975). Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness. London: Penguin Books

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern












*Mid Semester Examination   ** End Semester Examination


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

This course provides an introduction to basic econometric concepts and techniques of econometric analysis. The course begins with an introduction to the definitions and scope of econometrics. Then students will be introduced to simple as well as multiple linear regression models and the fundamental assumptions of Classical Linear Regression Modelling. The causes, consequences and remedies for the assumption violations viz. Heteroskedasticity, Autocorrelation and Multicollinearity are then discussed.

Course Objectives

This course aims to:

1. Understand the basic econometric concepts and techniques.

2. Demonstrate simple as well as multiple linear regression models.

3. Analyse and examine the CLRM assumption violations.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Students can define and explain the fundamental econometric concepts.

CO2: Students can construct and estimate simple as well as multiple linear regression models.

CO3: Students can examine the CLRM assumption violations, and formulate ways to overcome the same.

Teaching Hours:5

Definition and scope of econometrics; Methodology of econometric research; Historical origin of the term regression and its modern interpretation; Statistical vs. deterministic relationship; regression vs. causation, regression vs. correlation; Terminology and notation; The nature and sources of data for econometric analysis.

Teaching Hours:5

Definition and scope of econometrics; Methodology of econometric research; Historical origin of the term regression and its modern interpretation; Statistical vs. deterministic relationship; regression vs. causation, regression vs. correlation; Terminology and notation; The nature and sources of data for econometric analysis.

Teaching Hours:15
Simple Linear Regression Model

Two Variable Case Estimation of model by OLS method: Assumptions; Properties of Least Square Estimators: Gauss-Markov Theorem; Testing of regression coefficient; Test for regression as a whole: Coefficient of determination.

Teaching Hours:15
Simple Linear Regression Model

Two Variable Case Estimation of model by OLS method: Assumptions; Properties of Least Square Estimators: Gauss-Markov Theorem; Testing of regression coefficient; Test for regression as a whole: Coefficient of determination.

Teaching Hours:10
Multiple Linear Regression Model

Multiple Regression Analysis: The problem of estimation, notation and assumptions; meaning of partial regression coefficients; the multiple coefficients of determination:R-square and adjusted R-square; interpretation of multiple regression equation.

Teaching Hours:10
Multiple Linear Regression Model

Multiple Regression Analysis: The problem of estimation, notation and assumptions; meaning of partial regression coefficients; the multiple coefficients of determination:R-square and adjusted R-square; interpretation of multiple regression equation.

Teaching Hours:15
Relaxing the Assumptions of CLRM

Introduction to Multicollinearity, Heteroscedasticity & Autocorrelation: the nature of the problem; its detection and corrective measures.

Teaching Hours:15
Relaxing the Assumptions of CLRM

Introduction to Multicollinearity, Heteroscedasticity & Autocorrelation: the nature of the problem; its detection and corrective measures.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Bhaumik, S. K. (2015). Principles of Econometrics: A Modern Approach using EViews. New Delhi: Oxford University Press

Gujarati, D. N. (2016). Econometrics by Example (2 ed.). New Delhi: Palgrave.

Gujarati, D. N., Porter, D.C., & Gunasekar, S. (2017). Basic Econometrics. (5 nd ed.). New Delhi: McGraw-Hill.

Studenmund, A. H. (2016). Using Econometrics: A Practical Guide. (7 ed.). New Delhi: Pearson.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Dougherty, C. (2016). Introduction to Econometrics (5 ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.

Koutsoyiannis, A. (1973). Theory of Econometrics (2nd ed.). New York: Harper & Row.

Wooldridge, J. M. (2014). Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach (4 ed.). New Delhi: Cengage Learning.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern












Mid Semester Exam      ** End Semester Exam

ECO561Y - URBAN ECONOMICS (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Economic activities tend to cluster together, while economic growth is more localized. Cities play a vital role in driving the structural transformation process in developing countries by acting as engines of economic growth. They offer various benefits of co-location to firms, households, and institutions, including external economies of agglomeration. However, cities also face numerous challenges, such as unregulated development, soaring land prices, housing shortages, inadequate civic infrastructure and services, traffic congestion, slums, poverty, pollution, environmental degradation, weak local governance, etc. This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of urban economics. We will also examine some contemporary urban issues in India, their underlying causes, and how urban economics can aid in designing public policies to address them. Urban economics introduces space into economic analysis. It studies urban phenomena using tools of economics. The field of urban economics is vast. It has a rich and growing body of research literature, including recent contributions from new economic geography. 

In this course, we will explore the fundamental theoretical models of urban economics to gain an understanding of why cities form, grow, or decline. We will also investigate what makes cities the engines of economic growth and how urban problems can be studied from an economic perspective. Moreover, we will refer to empirical studies that test some significant urban economic theories, particularly those related to agglomeration externalities.


The course aims to help students to:

  1. understand the concepts and theories of urbanisation.
  2. Compare and contrast the problems of India and the Global South.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate knowledge of issues and challenges of urbanisation.

CO2: Develop theoretical understandings of issues of urbanisation.

CO3: Compare and contrast the problems of India and the Global South.

CO4: Analyse the impact of urbanisation on the labour market

Teaching Hours:10
Urban Economic Theory

Introduction to Urban Economics - Scope and Dimensions; Urbanization Trends and Patterns: World and India; Why study Urban Economics? Why do Cities exist? Why do Cities grow or decline? Agglomeration Externalities; Models of Rural-Urban Migration; Migration and Public Policy; Empirical Evidence on Agglomeration Economies.

Teaching Hours:10
Urban Economic Theory

Introduction to Urban Economics - Scope and Dimensions; Urbanization Trends and Patterns: World and India; Why study Urban Economics? Why do Cities exist? Why do Cities grow or decline? Agglomeration Externalities; Models of Rural-Urban Migration; Migration and Public Policy; Empirical Evidence on Agglomeration Economies.

Teaching Hours:15
Spatial Structure of Urban Economy

Concept of Spatial Equilibrium; The von Thunen Model; The Basic Alonso-Muth-Mills Model; Extensions of the Basic Model; Spatial Equilibrium in Cities; Spatial Equilibrium across Cities; Contribution from New Economic Geography

Teaching Hours:15
Spatial Structure of Urban Economy

Concept of Spatial Equilibrium; The von Thunen Model; The Basic Alonso-Muth-Mills Model; Extensions of the Basic Model; Spatial Equilibrium in Cities; Spatial Equilibrium across Cities; Contribution from New Economic Geography

Teaching Hours:10
Urbanization in India

Trading Cities, Factory Cities, Innovation Cities; 21st-century Urbanization in India; The Economics of Zoning and Land Use Regulations; Agglomeration Economies, Location Decisions of Firms, Why Do Firms Cluster? Benefits and Costs of Bigger Cities, Urban Growth; The Politics of Change: Urbanization and Urban Governance; Provision and Pricing of Amenities (Public Utility Pricing); Property Tax and Municipal Finances. Urban Local Bodies, Sources of Revenue and Pattern of Expenditure of Urban Local Bodies. 

Teaching Hours:10
Urbanization in India

Trading Cities, Factory Cities, Innovation Cities; 21st-century Urbanization in India; The Economics of Zoning and Land Use Regulations; Agglomeration Economies, Location Decisions of Firms, Why Do Firms Cluster? Benefits and Costs of Bigger Cities, Urban Growth; The Politics of Change: Urbanization and Urban Governance; Provision and Pricing of Amenities (Public Utility Pricing); Property Tax and Municipal Finances. Urban Local Bodies, Sources of Revenue and Pattern of Expenditure of Urban Local Bodies. 

Teaching Hours:10
Labour Market in Urban Area

Pull and Push Factors for Urbanization in India; Rural-Urban Migration Process; Growth of Formal and Informal Economic Activities in Urban Space; Skilling in the Informal Economy; Labor Force Participation and Distribution of Workers; Street Children and Street Vendors; The Role of Human Capital in Shrinking Cities.

Teaching Hours:10
Labour Market in Urban Area

Pull and Push Factors for Urbanization in India; Rural-Urban Migration Process; Growth of Formal and Informal Economic Activities in Urban Space; Skilling in the Informal Economy; Labor Force Participation and Distribution of Workers; Street Children and Street Vendors; The Role of Human Capital in Shrinking Cities.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Jan Brueckner. 2011. Lectures in Urban Economics, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press

Sullivan, A. (2014). Urban Economics, 8th Edition (McGraw Hill/Irwin).

Knox. Paul L. (2011). Urbanisation: an introduction to urban geography, 3rd Edition, Pearson.

Henderson, V. (2002). Urbanization in developing countries. The World Bank Research Observer, 17(1), 89-112.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Aldrich, B. C., & Sandhu, R. S. (Eds.). (1995).  Housing the urban poor: policy and practice in developing countries. London: Zed Books.

Bahl, R. W., & Linn, J. F. (1992). Urban public finance in developing countries. The World Bank.

Harris, R., & Vorms, C. (2017). What's in a name? Talking about urban peripheries. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Henderson, J.V. and J.F. Thisse .(eds.). (2006). Handbook of Urban and Regional Economics, Elsevier. 

Misra, R.P. (2019). Million cities of India: Growth dynamics, internal structure, quality of life, and planning perspectives. New Delhi: Concept Publishing pvt ltd.

Sassen, S. (2006). Cities in a world economy (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Pine Forge Press.

Sing Kumar Amit. (2010). Patterns and Process of Urban Development. New Delhi: Abhijeet Publications.

Singh, K., & Ta'i, B. (2000).  Financing and Pricing of Urban Infrastructure. New Age International (P) Limited Publishers.

Sivaramakrishnan, K. C., Kundu, A., & Singh, B. N. (2007). Handbook of urbanization in India: An analysis of trends and processes (2nd ed.). New Delhi; New York: Oxford Univ. Press.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern












* Mid Semester Exam      ** End Semester Exam

ECO581Y - INTERNSHIP (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:100
No of Lecture Hours/Week:0
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Students have to undertake an internship in any of their interested sectors during the semester break at the end of the second or fourth semester. Students will be attached to various agencies where they will be trained and supervised in acquiring skills and competencies. They will also be mentored by the supervisor/class teacher at the department. Students have to periodically meet their supervisors and submit a report at the end of their practicum period. The format of the report and the type of cases to be presented will be decided by the Department.

Course Objectives:

  • To gain hands-on experience in various sub-fields of economics.
  • To witness various ethical guidelines in practice.
  • To explore areas of interest in economics.

Learning Outcome

CO1: On completion of the internship, students will be able to appreciate and respect the ethical guidelines of organizations with which they work.

CO2: On completion of the internship, students will be able to demonstrate skills to work in teams and develop an amicable relationship.

CO3: On completion of the internship, students will be able to effectively conceptualize the concerns, and demonstrate and apply economics knowledge and skills to evaluate the issues observed at the internship site.

Teaching Hours:0
Summer Internship

Working in various organizational setups for a period of 30 days (one month-100 Hours)

Teaching Hours:0
Summer Internship

Working in various organizational setups for a period of 30 days (one month-100 Hours)

Text Books And Reference Books:

Sweitzer, H.F. & King, M. (2004). The successful internship: Transformation and empowerment in experiential learning (2nd ed). Brooks/Cole-Thompson.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Evaluation Pattern

 Weekly submission of the report + final report + viva = 50

MAT531 - LINEAR ALGEBRA (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:

This course aims at developing the ability to write the mathematical proofs. It helps the students to understand and appreciate the beauty of the abstract nature of mathematics and also to develop a solid foundation of theoretical mathematics.

Course Objectives : This course will help the learner to

COBJ1. understand the theory of matrices, concepts in vector spaces and Linear Transformations.

COBJ2. gain problems solving skills in solving systems of equations using matrices, finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors, vector spaces and linear transformations.

Learning Outcome

CO1: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to use properties of matrices to solve systems of equations and explore eigenvectors and eigenvalues.

CO2: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to understand the concepts of vector space, basis, dimension, and their properties.

CO3: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to analyse the linear transformations in terms of matrices.

Teaching Hours:15
Matrices and System of linear equations

Elementary row operations, rank, inverse of a matrix using row operations, Echelon forms, normal forms, system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations, Cayley Hamilton theorem, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization of square matrices.

Teaching Hours:15
Matrices and System of linear equations

Elementary row operations, rank, inverse of a matrix using row operations, Echelon forms, normal forms, system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations, Cayley Hamilton theorem, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization of square matrices.

Teaching Hours:15
Matrices and System of linear equations

Elementary row operations, rank, inverse of a matrix using row operations, Echelon forms, normal forms, system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations, Cayley Hamilton theorem, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization of square matrices.

Teaching Hours:15
Matrices and System of linear equations

Elementary row operations, rank, inverse of a matrix using row operations, Echelon forms, normal forms, system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations, Cayley Hamilton theorem, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization of square matrices.

Teaching Hours:15
Matrices and System of linear equations

Elementary row operations, rank, inverse of a matrix using row operations, Echelon forms, normal forms, system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations, Cayley Hamilton theorem, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization of square matrices.

Teaching Hours:15
Matrices and System of linear equations

Elementary row operations, rank, inverse of a matrix using row operations, Echelon forms, normal forms, system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations, Cayley Hamilton theorem, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization of square matrices.

Teaching Hours:15
Matrices and System of linear equations

Elementary row operations, rank, inverse of a matrix using row operations, Echelon forms, normal forms, system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations, Cayley Hamilton theorem, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization of square matrices.

Teaching Hours:15
Vector Spaces

Vector space-examples and properties, subspaces-criterion for a subset to be a subspace, linear span of a set, linear combination, linear independent and dependent subsets, basis and dimensions, and standard properties.

Teaching Hours:15
Vector Spaces

Vector space-examples and properties, subspaces-criterion for a subset to be a subspace, linear span of a set, linear combination, linear independent and dependent subsets, basis and dimensions, and standard properties.

Teaching Hours:15
Vector Spaces

Vector space-examples and properties, subspaces-criterion for a subset to be a subspace, linear span of a set, linear combination, linear independent and dependent subsets, basis and dimensions, and standard properties.

Teaching Hours:15
Vector Spaces

Vector space-examples and properties, subspaces-criterion for a subset to be a subspace, linear span of a set, linear combination, linear independent and dependent subsets, basis and dimensions, and standard properties.

Teaching Hours:15
Vector Spaces

Vector space-examples and properties, subspaces-criterion for a subset to be a subspace, linear span of a set, linear combination, linear independent and dependent subsets, basis and dimensions, and standard properties.

Teaching Hours:15
Vector Spaces

Vector space-examples and properties, subspaces-criterion for a subset to be a subspace, linear span of a set, linear combination, linear independent and dependent subsets, basis and dimensions, and standard properties.

Teaching Hours:15
Vector Spaces

Vector space-examples and properties, subspaces-criterion for a subset to be a subspace, linear span of a set, linear combination, linear independent and dependent subsets, basis and dimensions, and standard properties.

Teaching Hours:15
Linear Transformations

Linear transformations, properties, matrix of a linear transformation, change of basis, range and kernel, rank and nullity, rank-nullity theorem, non-singular linear transformation, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation.

Teaching Hours:15
Linear Transformations

Linear transformations, properties, matrix of a linear transformation, change of basis, range and kernel, rank and nullity, rank-nullity theorem, non-singular linear transformation, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation.

Teaching Hours:15
Linear Transformations

Linear transformations, properties, matrix of a linear transformation, change of basis, range and kernel, rank and nullity, rank-nullity theorem, non-singular linear transformation, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation.

Teaching Hours:15
Linear Transformations

Linear transformations, properties, matrix of a linear transformation, change of basis, range and kernel, rank and nullity, rank-nullity theorem, non-singular linear transformation, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation.

Teaching Hours:15
Linear Transformations

Linear transformations, properties, matrix of a linear transformation, change of basis, range and kernel, rank and nullity, rank-nullity theorem, non-singular linear transformation, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation.

Teaching Hours:15
Linear Transformations

Linear transformations, properties, matrix of a linear transformation, change of basis, range and kernel, rank and nullity, rank-nullity theorem, non-singular linear transformation, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation.

Teaching Hours:15
Linear Transformations

Linear transformations, properties, matrix of a linear transformation, change of basis, range and kernel, rank and nullity, rank-nullity theorem, non-singular linear transformation, eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation.

Text Books And Reference Books:

1. S. Narayan and P.K. Mittal, Text book of Matrices, 10th ed., New Delhi: S Chand and Co. Ltd, 2004.

2. V. Krishnamurthy, V. P. Mainra, and J. L. Arora, An introduction to linear algebra. New Delhi, India: Affiliated East East-West Press Pvt Ltd., 2003.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. D. C. Lay, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 3rd ed., Indian Reprint, Pearson Education Asia, 2007.

2. S. Lang, Introduction to Linear Algebra, 2nd ed., New York: Springer-Verlag, 2005.

3. S. H. Friedberg, A. Insel, and L. Spence, Linear algebra, 4th ed., Pearson, 2015.

4. Gilbert Strang, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 4th ed., Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2007.

5. K. Hoffmann and R. A. Kunze, Linear algebra, 2nd ed., PHI Learning, 2014.

Evaluation Pattern


Mode of Assessment





Written Assignment,

Reference work, etc.,

Mastery of the core concepts

Problem solving skills




Mid-semester Examination

Basic, conceptual and analytical knowledge of the subject



Written Assignment, Project

Problem solving skills




Regularity and Punctuality




Basic, conceptual and analytical knowledge of the subject






Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course is concerned with the fundamentals of mathematical modeling. It deals with finding solution to real world problems by transforming into mathematical models using differential equations. The coverage includes mathematical modeling through first order, second order and system of ordinary differential equations.

 Course objectives​: This course will help the learner to

This course will help the learner to

COBJ1.  interpret the real-world problems in the form of first and second order differential equations. 

COBJ2.  familiarize with some classical linear and nonlinear models. 

COBJ3.  analyse the solutions of systems of differential equations by phase portrait method.

Learning Outcome

CO1.: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to apply differential equations in other branches of sciences, commerce, medicine and others

CO2.: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to understand the formulation of some classical mathematical models.

CO3.: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to demonstrate competence with a wide variety of mathematical tools and techniques.

CO4.: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to build mathematical models of real-world problems.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through First Ordinary Differential Equations

Population Dynamics, Carbon dating, Newtons law of cooling, Epidemics, Economics, Medicine, mixture problem, electric circuit problem, Chemical reactions, Terminal velocity, Continuously compounding of interest.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through First Ordinary Differential Equations

Population Dynamics, Carbon dating, Newtons law of cooling, Epidemics, Economics, Medicine, mixture problem, electric circuit problem, Chemical reactions, Terminal velocity, Continuously compounding of interest.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through First Ordinary Differential Equations

Population Dynamics, Carbon dating, Newtons law of cooling, Epidemics, Economics, Medicine, mixture problem, electric circuit problem, Chemical reactions, Terminal velocity, Continuously compounding of interest.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through First Ordinary Differential Equations

Population Dynamics, Carbon dating, Newtons law of cooling, Epidemics, Economics, Medicine, mixture problem, electric circuit problem, Chemical reactions, Terminal velocity, Continuously compounding of interest.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through First Ordinary Differential Equations

Population Dynamics, Carbon dating, Newtons law of cooling, Epidemics, Economics, Medicine, mixture problem, electric circuit problem, Chemical reactions, Terminal velocity, Continuously compounding of interest.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through First Ordinary Differential Equations

Population Dynamics, Carbon dating, Newtons law of cooling, Epidemics, Economics, Medicine, mixture problem, electric circuit problem, Chemical reactions, Terminal velocity, Continuously compounding of interest.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through First Ordinary Differential Equations

Population Dynamics, Carbon dating, Newtons law of cooling, Epidemics, Economics, Medicine, mixture problem, electric circuit problem, Chemical reactions, Terminal velocity, Continuously compounding of interest.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through Second Ordinary Differential Equations

The vibrations of a mass on a spring, free damped motion, forced motion, resonance phenomena, electric circuit problem, Nonlinear-Pendulum.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through Second Ordinary Differential Equations

The vibrations of a mass on a spring, free damped motion, forced motion, resonance phenomena, electric circuit problem, Nonlinear-Pendulum.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through Second Ordinary Differential Equations

The vibrations of a mass on a spring, free damped motion, forced motion, resonance phenomena, electric circuit problem, Nonlinear-Pendulum.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through Second Ordinary Differential Equations

The vibrations of a mass on a spring, free damped motion, forced motion, resonance phenomena, electric circuit problem, Nonlinear-Pendulum.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through Second Ordinary Differential Equations

The vibrations of a mass on a spring, free damped motion, forced motion, resonance phenomena, electric circuit problem, Nonlinear-Pendulum.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through Second Ordinary Differential Equations

The vibrations of a mass on a spring, free damped motion, forced motion, resonance phenomena, electric circuit problem, Nonlinear-Pendulum.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through Second Ordinary Differential Equations

The vibrations of a mass on a spring, free damped motion, forced motion, resonance phenomena, electric circuit problem, Nonlinear-Pendulum.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through system of linear differential equations:

Phase plane analysis: Phase Portrait for Linear and Non-Linear Systems, Stability Analysis of Solution, Applications, Predator prey model: Lotka-Volterra Model, Kermack-McKendrick Model, Predator-Prey Model and Harvesting Analysis, Competitive-Hunter Model, Combat models: Lanchester Model, Battle of IWO Jima, Battle of Vietnam, Battle of Trafalgar., Mixture Models, Epidemics-SIR model, Economics.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through system of linear differential equations:

Phase plane analysis: Phase Portrait for Linear and Non-Linear Systems, Stability Analysis of Solution, Applications, Predator prey model: Lotka-Volterra Model, Kermack-McKendrick Model, Predator-Prey Model and Harvesting Analysis, Competitive-Hunter Model, Combat models: Lanchester Model, Battle of IWO Jima, Battle of Vietnam, Battle of Trafalgar., Mixture Models, Epidemics-SIR model, Economics.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through system of linear differential equations:

Phase plane analysis: Phase Portrait for Linear and Non-Linear Systems, Stability Analysis of Solution, Applications, Predator prey model: Lotka-Volterra Model, Kermack-McKendrick Model, Predator-Prey Model and Harvesting Analysis, Competitive-Hunter Model, Combat models: Lanchester Model, Battle of IWO Jima, Battle of Vietnam, Battle of Trafalgar., Mixture Models, Epidemics-SIR model, Economics.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through system of linear differential equations:

Phase plane analysis: Phase Portrait for Linear and Non-Linear Systems, Stability Analysis of Solution, Applications, Predator prey model: Lotka-Volterra Model, Kermack-McKendrick Model, Predator-Prey Model and Harvesting Analysis, Competitive-Hunter Model, Combat models: Lanchester Model, Battle of IWO Jima, Battle of Vietnam, Battle of Trafalgar., Mixture Models, Epidemics-SIR model, Economics.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through system of linear differential equations:

Phase plane analysis: Phase Portrait for Linear and Non-Linear Systems, Stability Analysis of Solution, Applications, Predator prey model: Lotka-Volterra Model, Kermack-McKendrick Model, Predator-Prey Model and Harvesting Analysis, Competitive-Hunter Model, Combat models: Lanchester Model, Battle of IWO Jima, Battle of Vietnam, Battle of Trafalgar., Mixture Models, Epidemics-SIR model, Economics.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through system of linear differential equations:

Phase plane analysis: Phase Portrait for Linear and Non-Linear Systems, Stability Analysis of Solution, Applications, Predator prey model: Lotka-Volterra Model, Kermack-McKendrick Model, Predator-Prey Model and Harvesting Analysis, Competitive-Hunter Model, Combat models: Lanchester Model, Battle of IWO Jima, Battle of Vietnam, Battle of Trafalgar., Mixture Models, Epidemics-SIR model, Economics.

Teaching Hours:15
Mathematical Modeling through system of linear differential equations:

Phase plane analysis: Phase Portrait for Linear and Non-Linear Systems, Stability Analysis of Solution, Applications, Predator prey model: Lotka-Volterra Model, Kermack-McKendrick Model, Predator-Prey Model and Harvesting Analysis, Competitive-Hunter Model, Combat models: Lanchester Model, Battle of IWO Jima, Battle of Vietnam, Battle of Trafalgar., Mixture Models, Epidemics-SIR model, Economics.

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. D. G. Zill and W. S. Wright, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 4th ed., Jones and  Bartlett Publishers, 2010. 
  2. J. R. Brannan and W. E. Boyce, Differential equations with boundary value  problems: modern methods and applications, Wiley, 2011.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. C. H. Edwards, D. E. Penney and D. Calvis, Differential equations and boundary value problems: computing and modeling, 3rd ed., Pearson Education Limited, 2010.
  2. D. G. Zill, Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems, I7th ed., Cenage learning, 2008.
Evaluation Pattern


Mode of Assessment





Written Assignment,

Reference work, etc.,

Mastery of the core concepts

Problem-solving skills




Mid-semester Examination

Basic, conceptual and analytical knowledge of the subject



Written Assignment, Project

Problem solving skills




Regularity and Punctuality




Basic, conceptual and analytical knowledge of the subject




MAT541C - GRAPH THEORY (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course is an introductory course to the basic concepts of Graph Theory. This includes a definition of graphs, types of graphs, paths, circuits, trees, shortest paths, and algorithms to find shortest paths.

Course objectives: This course will help the learner to

COBJ 1. gain conceptual knowledge on terminologies used in graph theory.


COBJ 2. understand the results on graphs and their properties.

COBJ 3. gain proof writing and algorithm writing skills.

Learning Outcome

CO1: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to understand the terminology related to graphs

CO2: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to analyze the characteristics of graphs by using standard results on graphs

CO3: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to apply proof techniques and write algorithms

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Graphs

Graphs, connected graphs, classes of graphs, regular graphs, degree sequences, matrices, isomorphic graphs.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Graphs

Graphs, connected graphs, classes of graphs, regular graphs, degree sequences, matrices, isomorphic graphs.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Graphs

Graphs, connected graphs, classes of graphs, regular graphs, degree sequences, matrices, isomorphic graphs.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Graphs

Graphs, connected graphs, classes of graphs, regular graphs, degree sequences, matrices, isomorphic graphs.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Graphs

Graphs, connected graphs, classes of graphs, regular graphs, degree sequences, matrices, isomorphic graphs.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Graphs

Graphs, connected graphs, classes of graphs, regular graphs, degree sequences, matrices, isomorphic graphs.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Graphs

Graphs, connected graphs, classes of graphs, regular graphs, degree sequences, matrices, isomorphic graphs.

Teaching Hours:15

Bridges, trees, minimum spanning trees, cut-vertices, blocks, traversability, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, digraphs. 

Teaching Hours:15

Bridges, trees, minimum spanning trees, cut-vertices, blocks, traversability, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, digraphs. 

Teaching Hours:15

Bridges, trees, minimum spanning trees, cut-vertices, blocks, traversability, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, digraphs. 

Teaching Hours:15

Bridges, trees, minimum spanning trees, cut-vertices, blocks, traversability, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, digraphs. 

Teaching Hours:15

Bridges, trees, minimum spanning trees, cut-vertices, blocks, traversability, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, digraphs. 

Teaching Hours:15

Bridges, trees, minimum spanning trees, cut-vertices, blocks, traversability, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, digraphs. 

Teaching Hours:15

Bridges, trees, minimum spanning trees, cut-vertices, blocks, traversability, Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs, digraphs. 

Teaching Hours:15

Matching, factorizations, decompositions, graceful labeling, planar graphs, Embedding graphs on surfaces.

Teaching Hours:15

Matching, factorizations, decompositions, graceful labeling, planar graphs, Embedding graphs on surfaces.

Teaching Hours:15

Matching, factorizations, decompositions, graceful labeling, planar graphs, Embedding graphs on surfaces.

Teaching Hours:15

Matching, factorizations, decompositions, graceful labeling, planar graphs, Embedding graphs on surfaces.

Teaching Hours:15

Matching, factorizations, decompositions, graceful labeling, planar graphs, Embedding graphs on surfaces.

Teaching Hours:15

Matching, factorizations, decompositions, graceful labeling, planar graphs, Embedding graphs on surfaces.

Teaching Hours:15

Matching, factorizations, decompositions, graceful labeling, planar graphs, Embedding graphs on surfaces.

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. G. Chartrand and P. Chang, Introduction to Graph Theory, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. N. Deo, Graph Theory with applications to engineering and computer science, Courier Dover Publications, 2017.
  2. J. A. Bondy and U. S. R. Murty, Graph Theory with Applications, Elsevier Science, 1976.
  3. F. Harary, Graph Theory, New Delhi: Narosa, 2001.
  4. D. B. West, Introduction to Graph Theory, New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India, 2011.
  5. S. A. Choudum, A first Course in Graph Theory, MacMillan Publishers India Ltd, 2013.
Evaluation Pattern



Mode of Assessment





Written Assignment

Reference work

Mastery of the core concepts

Problem solving skills




Mid-semester Examination

Basic, conceptual and analytical knowledge of the subject



Written Assignment / Project

Problem solving skills




Regularity and Punctuality




Basic, conceptual and analytical knowledge of the subject





Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course description: Operations research deals with the problems on optimization or decision making that are affected by certain constraints / restrictions in the environment. This course aims at teaching solution techniques of solving linear programming models, simple queuing model, two-person zero sum games and Network models.

Course objectives: This course will help the learner to

COBJ1. gain an insight executing the algorithms for solving linear programming problems including transportation and assignment problems.

COBJ2. learn about the techniques involved in solving the two person zero sum game.

COBJ3. calculate the estimates that characteristics the queues and perform desired analysis on a network.

Learning Outcome

CO1: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to solve Linear Programming Problems using Simplex Algorithm, Transportation and Assignment Problems.

CO2: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to find the estimates that characterizes different types of Queuing Models.

CO3: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to obtain the solution for two person zero sum games using Linear Programming.

CO4: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to formulate Maximal Flow Model using Linear Programming and perform computations using PERT and CPM.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Linear Programming Problems

Introduction to simplex algorithm –Special cases in the Simplex Method –Definition of the Dual Problem – Primal Dual relationships – Dual simplex methods. Transportation Models: Determination of the starting solution – iterative computations of the transportation algorithm. Assignment Model: The Hungarian Method.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Linear Programming Problems

Introduction to simplex algorithm –Special cases in the Simplex Method –Definition of the Dual Problem – Primal Dual relationships – Dual simplex methods. Transportation Models: Determination of the starting solution – iterative computations of the transportation algorithm. Assignment Model: The Hungarian Method.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Linear Programming Problems

Introduction to simplex algorithm –Special cases in the Simplex Method –Definition of the Dual Problem – Primal Dual relationships – Dual simplex methods. Transportation Models: Determination of the starting solution – iterative computations of the transportation algorithm. Assignment Model: The Hungarian Method.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Linear Programming Problems

Introduction to simplex algorithm –Special cases in the Simplex Method –Definition of the Dual Problem – Primal Dual relationships – Dual simplex methods. Transportation Models: Determination of the starting solution – iterative computations of the transportation algorithm. Assignment Model: The Hungarian Method.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Linear Programming Problems

Introduction to simplex algorithm –Special cases in the Simplex Method –Definition of the Dual Problem – Primal Dual relationships – Dual simplex methods. Transportation Models: Determination of the starting solution – iterative computations of the transportation algorithm. Assignment Model: The Hungarian Method.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Linear Programming Problems

Introduction to simplex algorithm –Special cases in the Simplex Method –Definition of the Dual Problem – Primal Dual relationships – Dual simplex methods. Transportation Models: Determination of the starting solution – iterative computations of the transportation algorithm. Assignment Model: The Hungarian Method.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Linear Programming Problems

Introduction to simplex algorithm –Special cases in the Simplex Method –Definition of the Dual Problem – Primal Dual relationships – Dual simplex methods. Transportation Models: Determination of the starting solution – iterative computations of the transportation algorithm. Assignment Model: The Hungarian Method.

Teaching Hours:15
Queuing Theory and Game Theory

Elements of a queuing Model – Pure Birth Model – Pure Death Model –Specialized Poisson Queues – Steady state Models: (M/M/1):(GD/∞/∞) – (M/M/1):(FCFS/∞/∞) - (M/M/1):(GD/N/∞) – (M/M/c):(GD/∞/∞) –  (M/M/∞):(GD/∞/∞).

Game Theory: Optimal solution of two person zero-sum games – Solution of Mixed strategy Games (only Linear programming solution).


Teaching Hours:15
Queuing Theory and Game Theory

Elements of a queuing Model – Pure Birth Model – Pure Death Model –Specialized Poisson Queues – Steady state Models: (M/M/1):(GD/∞/∞) – (M/M/1):(FCFS/∞/∞) - (M/M/1):(GD/N/∞) – (M/M/c):(GD/∞/∞) –  (M/M/∞):(GD/∞/∞).

Game Theory: Optimal solution of two person zero-sum games – Solution of Mixed strategy Games (only Linear programming solution).


Teaching Hours:15
Queuing Theory and Game Theory

Elements of a queuing Model – Pure Birth Model – Pure Death Model –Specialized Poisson Queues – Steady state Models: (M/M/1):(GD/∞/∞) – (M/M/1):(FCFS/∞/∞) - (M/M/1):(GD/N/∞) – (M/M/c):(GD/∞/∞) –  (M/M/∞):(GD/∞/∞).

Game Theory: Optimal solution of two person zero-sum games – Solution of Mixed strategy Games (only Linear programming solution).


Teaching Hours:15
Queuing Theory and Game Theory

Elements of a queuing Model – Pure Birth Model – Pure Death Model –Specialized Poisson Queues – Steady state Models: (M/M/1):(GD/∞/∞) – (M/M/1):(FCFS/∞/∞) - (M/M/1):(GD/N/∞) – (M/M/c):(GD/∞/∞) –  (M/M/∞):(GD/∞/∞).

Game Theory: Optimal solution of two person zero-sum games – Solution of Mixed strategy Games (only Linear programming solution).


Teaching Hours:15
Queuing Theory and Game Theory

Elements of a queuing Model – Pure Birth Model – Pure Death Model –Specialized Poisson Queues – Steady state Models: (M/M/1):(GD/∞/∞) – (M/M/1):(FCFS/∞/∞) - (M/M/1):(GD/N/∞) – (M/M/c):(GD/∞/∞) –  (M/M/∞):(GD/∞/∞).

Game Theory: Optimal solution of two person zero-sum games – Solution of Mixed strategy Games (only Linear programming solution).


Teaching Hours:15
Queuing Theory and Game Theory

Elements of a queuing Model – Pure Birth Model – Pure Death Model –Specialized Poisson Queues – Steady state Models: (M/M/1):(GD/∞/∞) – (M/M/1):(FCFS/∞/∞) - (M/M/1):(GD/N/∞) – (M/M/c):(GD/∞/∞) –  (M/M/∞):(GD/∞/∞).

Game Theory: Optimal solution of two person zero-sum games – Solution of Mixed strategy Games (only Linear programming solution).


Teaching Hours:15
Queuing Theory and Game Theory

Elements of a queuing Model – Pure Birth Model – Pure Death Model –Specialized Poisson Queues – Steady state Models: (M/M/1):(GD/∞/∞) – (M/M/1):(FCFS/∞/∞) - (M/M/1):(GD/N/∞) – (M/M/c):(GD/∞/∞) –  (M/M/∞):(GD/∞/∞).

Game Theory: Optimal solution of two person zero-sum games – Solution of Mixed strategy Games (only Linear programming solution).


Teaching Hours:15
Network Models

Linear programming formulation of the shortest-route Problem. Maximal Flow model:- Enumeration of cuts – Maximal Flow Algorithm – Linear Programming Formulation of Maximal Flow Model. CPM and PERT:- Network Representation – Critical path computations – Construction of the Time Schedule – Linear Programming formulation of CPM – PERT calculations.

Teaching Hours:15
Network Models

Linear programming formulation of the shortest-route Problem. Maximal Flow model:- Enumeration of cuts – Maximal Flow Algorithm – Linear Programming Formulation of Maximal Flow Model. CPM and PERT:- Network Representation – Critical path computations – Construction of the Time Schedule – Linear Programming formulation of CPM – PERT calculations.

Teaching Hours:15
Network Models

Linear programming formulation of the shortest-route Problem. Maximal Flow model:- Enumeration of cuts – Maximal Flow Algorithm – Linear Programming Formulation of Maximal Flow Model. CPM and PERT:- Network Representation – Critical path computations – Construction of the Time Schedule – Linear Programming formulation of CPM – PERT calculations.

Teaching Hours:15
Network Models

Linear programming formulation of the shortest-route Problem. Maximal Flow model:- Enumeration of cuts – Maximal Flow Algorithm – Linear Programming Formulation of Maximal Flow Model. CPM and PERT:- Network Representation – Critical path computations – Construction of the Time Schedule – Linear Programming formulation of CPM – PERT calculations.

Teaching Hours:15
Network Models

Linear programming formulation of the shortest-route Problem. Maximal Flow model:- Enumeration of cuts – Maximal Flow Algorithm – Linear Programming Formulation of Maximal Flow Model. CPM and PERT:- Network Representation – Critical path computations – Construction of the Time Schedule – Linear Programming formulation of CPM – PERT calculations.

Teaching Hours:15
Network Models

Linear programming formulation of the shortest-route Problem. Maximal Flow model:- Enumeration of cuts – Maximal Flow Algorithm – Linear Programming Formulation of Maximal Flow Model. CPM and PERT:- Network Representation – Critical path computations – Construction of the Time Schedule – Linear Programming formulation of CPM – PERT calculations.

Teaching Hours:15
Network Models

Linear programming formulation of the shortest-route Problem. Maximal Flow model:- Enumeration of cuts – Maximal Flow Algorithm – Linear Programming Formulation of Maximal Flow Model. CPM and PERT:- Network Representation – Critical path computations – Construction of the Time Schedule – Linear Programming formulation of CPM – PERT calculations.

Text Books And Reference Books:

A.H. Taha, Operations research, 9th ed., Pearson Education, 2014.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. F.S. Hillier and G.J. Lieberman, Introduction to operations research, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2009.
  2. Chandrasekhara Rao & Shanthi Lata Mishra, Operations research, Alpha Science International, 2005.
Evaluation Pattern



Mode of Assessment





Written Assignment

Reference work

Mastery of the core concepts

Problem solving skills




Mid-semester Examination

Basic, conceptual and analytical knowledge of the subject



Written Assignment, Project

Problem solving skills




Regularity and Punctuality




Basic, conceptual and analytical knowledge of the subject





Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course description: This course aims at providing hands on experience in using Python functions to illustrate the notions vector space, linear independence, linear dependence, linear transformation and rank.

Course objectives: This course will help the learner to

COBJ1. The built in functions required to deal with vectors and Linear Transformations.

COBJ2. Python skills to handle vectors using the properties of vector spaces and linear transformations

Learning Outcome

CO1: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to use Python functions in applying the notions of matrices and system of equations.

CO2: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to use Python functions in applying the problems on vector space.

CO3: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to apply python functions to solve the problems on linear transformations.

Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Operations on matrices
  2. Finding rank of matrices
  3. Reducing a matrix to Echelon form
  4. Inverse of a matrix by different methods
  5. Solving system of equations using various methods
  6. Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix
  7. Expressing a vector as a linear combination of given set of vectors
  8. Linear span, linear independence and linear dependence
  9. Linear transformations and plotting of linear transformations
  10. Applications of Rank-Nullity Theorem
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Operations on matrices
  2. Finding rank of matrices
  3. Reducing a matrix to Echelon form
  4. Inverse of a matrix by different methods
  5. Solving system of equations using various methods
  6. Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix
  7. Expressing a vector as a linear combination of given set of vectors
  8. Linear span, linear independence and linear dependence
  9. Linear transformations and plotting of linear transformations
  10. Applications of Rank-Nullity Theorem
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Operations on matrices
  2. Finding rank of matrices
  3. Reducing a matrix to Echelon form
  4. Inverse of a matrix by different methods
  5. Solving system of equations using various methods
  6. Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix
  7. Expressing a vector as a linear combination of given set of vectors
  8. Linear span, linear independence and linear dependence
  9. Linear transformations and plotting of linear transformations
  10. Applications of Rank-Nullity Theorem
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Operations on matrices
  2. Finding rank of matrices
  3. Reducing a matrix to Echelon form
  4. Inverse of a matrix by different methods
  5. Solving system of equations using various methods
  6. Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix
  7. Expressing a vector as a linear combination of given set of vectors
  8. Linear span, linear independence and linear dependence
  9. Linear transformations and plotting of linear transformations
  10. Applications of Rank-Nullity Theorem
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Operations on matrices
  2. Finding rank of matrices
  3. Reducing a matrix to Echelon form
  4. Inverse of a matrix by different methods
  5. Solving system of equations using various methods
  6. Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix
  7. Expressing a vector as a linear combination of given set of vectors
  8. Linear span, linear independence and linear dependence
  9. Linear transformations and plotting of linear transformations
  10. Applications of Rank-Nullity Theorem
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Operations on matrices
  2. Finding rank of matrices
  3. Reducing a matrix to Echelon form
  4. Inverse of a matrix by different methods
  5. Solving system of equations using various methods
  6. Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix
  7. Expressing a vector as a linear combination of given set of vectors
  8. Linear span, linear independence and linear dependence
  9. Linear transformations and plotting of linear transformations
  10. Applications of Rank-Nullity Theorem
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Operations on matrices
  2. Finding rank of matrices
  3. Reducing a matrix to Echelon form
  4. Inverse of a matrix by different methods
  5. Solving system of equations using various methods
  6. Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix
  7. Expressing a vector as a linear combination of given set of vectors
  8. Linear span, linear independence and linear dependence
  9. Linear transformations and plotting of linear transformations
  10. Applications of Rank-Nullity Theorem
Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. A. Saha, Doing Math with Python: Use Programming to Explore Algebra, Statistics, Calculus, and More!, no starch press:San Fransisco, 2015.
  2. H P Langtangen, A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python, 2nd ed., Springer, 2016.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. B E Shapiro, Scientific Computation: Python Hacking for Math Junkies, Sherwood Forest Books, 2015.
  2. C Hill, Learning Scientific Programming with Python, Cambridge University Press, 2016.
Evaluation Pattern

The course is evaluated based on continuous internal assessments (CIA) and the lab e-record. The parameters for evaluation under each component and the mode of assessment are given below.



Mode of  Assessment




Mastery of the  concepts

Lab Assignments



Conceptual clarity and analytical skills

Lab Exam - I


Lab Record

Systematic documentation of the lab sessions.

e-Record work



Regularity and Punctuality

Lab attendance


95-100% : 3

90-94%   : 2

85-89%   : 1


Proficiency in executing the commands appropriately,.

Lab Exam - II





Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course description: This course provides students with an understanding of the practical and theoretical aspects of mathematical models involving ordinary differential equations (ODEs) using Python programming.

Course objectives:

This course will help the learner to 

COBJ1. various models spanning disciplines such as physics, biology, engineering, and finance. 

COBJ2. develop the basic understanding of differential equations and skills to implement numerical algorithms to solve mathematical problems using Python.

Learning Outcome

CO1.: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to acquire proficiency in using Python.

CO2.: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to demonstrate the use of Python to understand and interpret applications of differential equations

CO3.: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to apply the theoretical and practical knowledge to real life situations.

Teaching Hours:30
Propopsed Topics
  1. Growth of a population – Linear growth, Exponential growth, Logistic growth
  2. Decay Model - Radioactive Decay
  3. Numerical Methods
  4. A Simple Pendulum
  5. Spreading of a Disease
  6. Mixture problems
  7. Trajectory of a ball
  8. Spring mass system
  9. Electrical Circuits
Teaching Hours:30
Propopsed Topics
  1. Growth of a population – Linear growth, Exponential growth, Logistic growth
  2. Decay Model - Radioactive Decay
  3. Numerical Methods
  4. A Simple Pendulum
  5. Spreading of a Disease
  6. Mixture problems
  7. Trajectory of a ball
  8. Spring mass system
  9. Electrical Circuits
Teaching Hours:30
Propopsed Topics
  1. Growth of a population – Linear growth, Exponential growth, Logistic growth
  2. Decay Model - Radioactive Decay
  3. Numerical Methods
  4. A Simple Pendulum
  5. Spreading of a Disease
  6. Mixture problems
  7. Trajectory of a ball
  8. Spring mass system
  9. Electrical Circuits
Teaching Hours:30
Propopsed Topics
  1. Growth of a population – Linear growth, Exponential growth, Logistic growth
  2. Decay Model - Radioactive Decay
  3. Numerical Methods
  4. A Simple Pendulum
  5. Spreading of a Disease
  6. Mixture problems
  7. Trajectory of a ball
  8. Spring mass system
  9. Electrical Circuits
Teaching Hours:30
Propopsed Topics
  1. Growth of a population – Linear growth, Exponential growth, Logistic growth
  2. Decay Model - Radioactive Decay
  3. Numerical Methods
  4. A Simple Pendulum
  5. Spreading of a Disease
  6. Mixture problems
  7. Trajectory of a ball
  8. Spring mass system
  9. Electrical Circuits
Teaching Hours:30
Propopsed Topics
  1. Growth of a population – Linear growth, Exponential growth, Logistic growth
  2. Decay Model - Radioactive Decay
  3. Numerical Methods
  4. A Simple Pendulum
  5. Spreading of a Disease
  6. Mixture problems
  7. Trajectory of a ball
  8. Spring mass system
  9. Electrical Circuits
Teaching Hours:30
Propopsed Topics
  1. Growth of a population – Linear growth, Exponential growth, Logistic growth
  2. Decay Model - Radioactive Decay
  3. Numerical Methods
  4. A Simple Pendulum
  5. Spreading of a Disease
  6. Mixture problems
  7. Trajectory of a ball
  8. Spring mass system
  9. Electrical Circuits
Text Books And Reference Books:

H P Langtangen, A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python, 2nd ed., Springer, 2016.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. B E Shapiro, Scientific Computation: Python Hacking for Math Junkies, Sherwood Forest Books, 2015.
  2. C Hill, Learning Scientific Programming with Python, Cambridge Univesity Press, 2016.
  3. A. Saha, Doing Math with Python: Use Programming to Explore Algebra, Statistics, Calculus, and More!, no starch press: San Fransisco, 2015.
  4. H. Fangohr, Introduction to Python for Computational Science and Engineering (A beginner’s guide), University of Southampton, 2015.


Evaluation Pattern

The course is evaluated based on continuous internal assessments (CIA) and the lab e-record. The parameters for evaluation under each component and the mode of assessment are given below.



Mode of  Assessment




Mastery of the  concepts

Lab Assignments



Conceptual clarity and analytical skills

Lab Exam - I


Lab Record

Systematic documentation of the lab sessions.

e-Record work



Regularity and Punctuality

Lab attendance


95-100% : 3

90-94%   : 2

85-89%   : 1


Proficiency in executing the commands appropriately,.

Lab Exam - II





Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course description: The course graph theory using Python is aimed at enabling the students to appreciate and understand core concepts of graph theory with the help of technological tools. It is designed with a learner-centric approach wherein the students will understand the concepts of graph theory using programming tools and develop computational skills.

Course objectives: This course will help the learner to

COBJ1. gain familiarity in Python language using jupyter interface and NetworkX package

COBJ2. construct graphs and analyze their structural properties.

COBJ3. implement standard algorithms for shortest paths, minimal spanning trees and graph searching..

Learning Outcome

CO1: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to construct graphs using related matrices

CO2: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to compute the graph parameters related to degrees and distances

CO3: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to gain mastery to deal with optimization problems related to networks

CO4: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to apply algorithmic approach in solving graph theory problems

Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Introduction to NetworkX package
  2. Construction of graphs
  3. Degree and distance related parameters
  4. In-built functions for different graph classes
  5. Computation of graph parameters using in-built functions
  6. Graph Operations and Graph Connectivity
  7. Customization of Graphs
  8. Digraphs
  9. Matrices and Algorithms of Graphs
  10. Graph as models.
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Introduction to NetworkX package
  2. Construction of graphs
  3. Degree and distance related parameters
  4. In-built functions for different graph classes
  5. Computation of graph parameters using in-built functions
  6. Graph Operations and Graph Connectivity
  7. Customization of Graphs
  8. Digraphs
  9. Matrices and Algorithms of Graphs
  10. Graph as models.
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Introduction to NetworkX package
  2. Construction of graphs
  3. Degree and distance related parameters
  4. In-built functions for different graph classes
  5. Computation of graph parameters using in-built functions
  6. Graph Operations and Graph Connectivity
  7. Customization of Graphs
  8. Digraphs
  9. Matrices and Algorithms of Graphs
  10. Graph as models.
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Introduction to NetworkX package
  2. Construction of graphs
  3. Degree and distance related parameters
  4. In-built functions for different graph classes
  5. Computation of graph parameters using in-built functions
  6. Graph Operations and Graph Connectivity
  7. Customization of Graphs
  8. Digraphs
  9. Matrices and Algorithms of Graphs
  10. Graph as models.
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Introduction to NetworkX package
  2. Construction of graphs
  3. Degree and distance related parameters
  4. In-built functions for different graph classes
  5. Computation of graph parameters using in-built functions
  6. Graph Operations and Graph Connectivity
  7. Customization of Graphs
  8. Digraphs
  9. Matrices and Algorithms of Graphs
  10. Graph as models.
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Introduction to NetworkX package
  2. Construction of graphs
  3. Degree and distance related parameters
  4. In-built functions for different graph classes
  5. Computation of graph parameters using in-built functions
  6. Graph Operations and Graph Connectivity
  7. Customization of Graphs
  8. Digraphs
  9. Matrices and Algorithms of Graphs
  10. Graph as models.
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Introduction to NetworkX package
  2. Construction of graphs
  3. Degree and distance related parameters
  4. In-built functions for different graph classes
  5. Computation of graph parameters using in-built functions
  6. Graph Operations and Graph Connectivity
  7. Customization of Graphs
  8. Digraphs
  9. Matrices and Algorithms of Graphs
  10. Graph as models.
Text Books And Reference Books:

Mohammed Zuhair, Kadry, Seifedine, Al-Taie, Python for Graph and Network Analysis.Springer, 2017.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. B. N. Miller and D. L. Ranum, Python programming in context. Jones and Bartlett, 2014.
  2. David Joyner, Minh Van Nguyen, David Phillips. Algorithmic Graph Theory and Sage, Free software foundation, 2008.
Evaluation Pattern

The course is evaluated based on continuous internal assessments (CIA) and the lab e-record. The parameters for evaluation under each component and the mode of assessment are given below.



Mode of  Assessment




Mastery of the  concepts

Lab Assignments



Conceptual clarity and analytical skills

Lab Exam - I


Lab Record

Systematic documentation of the lab sessions.

e-Record work



Regularity and Punctuality

Lab attendance


95-100% : 3

90-94%   : 2

85-89%   : 1


Proficiency in executing the commands appropriately,.

Lab Exam - II





Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course description: Operations research deals with the problems on optimization or decision making that are affected by certain constraints / restrictions in the environment. This course aims to enhance programming skills in Python to solve problems chosen from Operations Research.


Course objectives: This course will help the learner to

COBJ1. gain a familiarity in using Python to solve linear programming problems, calculate the estimates that characteristics the queues and perform desired analysis on a network.

COBJ2. use Python for solving problems on Operations Research.

Learning Outcome

CO1: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to use Python programming to solve linear programming problems by using simplex method and dual simplex method.

CO2: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to solve Transportation Problems and Assignment Problems using Python module.

CO3: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to demonstrate competence in using Python modules to solve M/M/1, M/M/c queues, and Computations on Networks.

Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Simplex method
  2. Dual simplex method
  3. Balanced transportation problem
  4. Unbalanced transportation problem
  5. Assignment problems
  6. (M/M/1) queues
  7. (M/M/c) queues
  8. Shortest path computations in a network
  9. Maximum flow problem
  10. Critical path computations
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Simplex method
  2. Dual simplex method
  3. Balanced transportation problem
  4. Unbalanced transportation problem
  5. Assignment problems
  6. (M/M/1) queues
  7. (M/M/c) queues
  8. Shortest path computations in a network
  9. Maximum flow problem
  10. Critical path computations
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Simplex method
  2. Dual simplex method
  3. Balanced transportation problem
  4. Unbalanced transportation problem
  5. Assignment problems
  6. (M/M/1) queues
  7. (M/M/c) queues
  8. Shortest path computations in a network
  9. Maximum flow problem
  10. Critical path computations
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Simplex method
  2. Dual simplex method
  3. Balanced transportation problem
  4. Unbalanced transportation problem
  5. Assignment problems
  6. (M/M/1) queues
  7. (M/M/c) queues
  8. Shortest path computations in a network
  9. Maximum flow problem
  10. Critical path computations
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Simplex method
  2. Dual simplex method
  3. Balanced transportation problem
  4. Unbalanced transportation problem
  5. Assignment problems
  6. (M/M/1) queues
  7. (M/M/c) queues
  8. Shortest path computations in a network
  9. Maximum flow problem
  10. Critical path computations
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Simplex method
  2. Dual simplex method
  3. Balanced transportation problem
  4. Unbalanced transportation problem
  5. Assignment problems
  6. (M/M/1) queues
  7. (M/M/c) queues
  8. Shortest path computations in a network
  9. Maximum flow problem
  10. Critical path computations
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Simplex method
  2. Dual simplex method
  3. Balanced transportation problem
  4. Unbalanced transportation problem
  5. Assignment problems
  6. (M/M/1) queues
  7. (M/M/c) queues
  8. Shortest path computations in a network
  9. Maximum flow problem
  10. Critical path computations
Text Books And Reference Books:

Garrido José M. Introduction to Computational Models with Python. CRC Press, 2016

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. A.H. Taha, Operations research, 9th ed., Pearson Education, 2014.
  2. Chinneck, J. W., et al. Operations Research and Cyber-Infrastructure. Springer Science Business Media, LLC, 2009.
  3. Hart, William E. Pyomo: Optimization Modelling in Python. Springer, 2012.
  4. Snyman, Jan A, and Daniel N. Wilke, Practical Mathematical Optimization: Basic Optimization Theory and Gradient-Based Algorithms. Springer., 2018.


Evaluation Pattern

The course is evaluated based on continuous internal assessments (CIA) and the lab e-record. The parameters for evaluation under each component and the mode of assessment are given below.



Mode of  Assessment




Mastery of the  concepts

Lab Assignments



Conceptual clarity and analytical skills

Lab Exam - I


Lab Record

Systematic documentation of the lab sessions.

e-Record work



Regularity and Punctuality

Lab attendance


95-100% : 3

90-94%   : 2

85-89%   : 1


Proficiency in executing the commands appropriately,.

Lab Exam - II




ECO631Y - INDIAN ECONOMY (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course initiates discussion on some of the key issues of the Indian economy. It provides an overview of the role of state and market, planning process, macroeconomic challenges, and policy management in India, with special reference to Karnataka. The course exposes the students to the data on various economic aspects and policies in India and Karnataka.

Learning Outcome

CO1: provide an overall understanding of the structural changes in the Indian economy.

CO2: offer a comprehensive understanding of Indian agriculture and industrial sector performance and its challenges.

CO3: facilitate students' understanding of economic issues relevant to Karnataka's economic growth and development.

Teaching Hours:15
Economic Development Since Independence

Major features of the economy at independence; growth and development under different policy regimes—goals, constraints, institutions, and policy framework; Roles of State and Market; The Role of the State in Economic Development; Goals of Economic Planning, Planning Commission and NITI Ayog; five-year plans and economic development.

Teaching Hours:15
Economic Development Since Independence

Major features of the economy at independence; growth and development under different policy regimes—goals, constraints, institutions, and policy framework; Roles of State and Market; The Role of the State in Economic Development; Goals of Economic Planning, Planning Commission and NITI Ayog; five-year plans and economic development.

Teaching Hours:15
Indian Agriculture and Industry

Historical background and current status, Land Reforms, New Agricultural Strategy, and Green Revolution, Issues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies and minimum support prices, Framers Distress; Industrial development in India, public sector undertaking in India, privatization of the public sector enterprises, Economic Reforms.


Teaching Hours:15
Indian Agriculture and Industry

Historical background and current status, Land Reforms, New Agricultural Strategy, and Green Revolution, Issues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies and minimum support prices, Framers Distress; Industrial development in India, public sector undertaking in India, privatization of the public sector enterprises, Economic Reforms.


Teaching Hours:15
Overview of Karnataka Economy

An introduction to Karnataka Economy SGDP and demography; Comparison of Karnataka economy with other Indian states; Agriculture and Industry; Poverty, Health, Education, Unemployment and Inequality; Rural development. 

Teaching Hours:15
Overview of Karnataka Economy

An introduction to Karnataka Economy SGDP and demography; Comparison of Karnataka economy with other Indian states; Agriculture and Industry; Poverty, Health, Education, Unemployment and Inequality; Rural development. 

Text Books And Reference Books:

1.Aiyar, S. S., & Mody, A. (2011). The demographic dividend: Evidence from the Indian states. IMF Working Paper WP/11/38, International Monetary Fund

2.Drèze, J., & Sen, A. (2013). An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions. NJ: Princeton University Press.

3.Dyson, T. (2013). Population and Development: The Demographic Transition. New York: Zed Books Ltd. 

4.Khilnani, S. (1999). The Idea of India, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Ch. 1‐2. 

5.Mohan, R. (2008). Growth record of the Indian economy, 1950-2008: A story of sustained savings and investment. Economic and Political Weekly, 43 (19), 61-71.

6.Datt, G., & Mahajan, A. (2016). Indian Economy. (72nd ed.). New Delhi: S. Chand & Company Pvt. Ltd. 

7.Kapila, U. (2016). Indian Economy – Performance and Policies (17th ed.). New Delhi: Academic Foundation. 

8.Misra, S. K., & Puri, V. K. (2011). Indian Economy (34th ed.). Delhi: Himalaya Publishing House

9.Iteshamul, H. (2015). A Handbook of Karnataka. Bangalore: Government of Karnataka. 

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.Mohan, R. (2008). Growth record of the Indian economy, 1950-2008: A story of sustained savings and investment. Economic and Political Weekly, 43 (19), 61-71.

2.Film: The Story of India, PBS documentary, Part 6. (An HD version is also available on Netflix). 

3.Luce, Edward. 2008. In Spite of the Gods: The Rise of Modern India. First Anchor Books—Read Chapter 2.

4.Economic Survey of Karnataka 2016-17. Government of Karnataka

5.Karnataka Development Report, Karnataka: Institute for Social and Economic Change

6.Meti, T. K. (1976). The Economy of Karnataka: An Analysis of Development and Planning. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Company


Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern












Mid Semester Exam      ** End Semester Exam


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

Anyone with an analytical mind and a basic knowledge of economics should be able to complete this course. Since economic activity is the root cause of many environmental issues, such as carbon emissions, over-harvesting of renewable resources, and pollution of the air and water as a result of industrial activity, this course looks at various strategies for changing behaviour through economic institutions like markets and incentives as well as through regulation, etc. By using techniques for the practical assessment of environmental products and services as well as the measurement of environmental damages, it also discusses the economic effects of environmental regulations. However, under the umbrella of sustainable development, the effects of economic expansion on the environment are also covered. The course's principles and methodologies are shown through environmental challenges and issues from the Indian and worldwide context, with a particular focus on global warming.

Course Objectives:

The course aims to help students to:

1. understand the theories of environmental economics;

2. analyse the fiscal tools and policy options in managing the environmental issues

Learning Outcome

CO1: Students can understand the key concepts and theories of environmental economics

CO2: Students will be able to analyse fiscal tools and policy options in managing the environmental issues

CO3: Students will be understand the concepts of environmental valuation, methods and its applications,

CO4: Students can provide an understanding of sustainable development measures in tackling the environmental issues.

Teaching Hours:16

Introduction to environmental economics; Definition, Nature and Scope; Nexus between environment and economy; Key environmental issues and problems (Karnataka state, National wise and International wise), Material balance principle, Renewable and non-renewable energy sources, Tragedy of commons, common pooled resources, Hotelling’s rule; Pareto optimality and market failure in the presence of externalities.

Teaching Hours:16

Introduction to environmental economics; Definition, Nature and Scope; Nexus between environment and economy; Key environmental issues and problems (Karnataka state, National wise and International wise), Material balance principle, Renewable and non-renewable energy sources, Tragedy of commons, common pooled resources, Hotelling’s rule; Pareto optimality and market failure in the presence of externalities.

Teaching Hours:15
Environmental Valuation Methods and Applications

Concepts of environmental value; Total economic value; Valuation of non-market goods and services-theory and practice; measurement methods; Revealed preference methods – travel cost, hedonic pricing; Stated preference methods – Contingent valuation, choice experiment; Cost-benefit analysis of environmental policies and regulations.

Teaching Hours:15
Environmental Valuation Methods and Applications

Concepts of environmental value; Total economic value; Valuation of non-market goods and services-theory and practice; measurement methods; Revealed preference methods – travel cost, hedonic pricing; Stated preference methods – Contingent valuation, choice experiment; Cost-benefit analysis of environmental policies and regulations.

Teaching Hours:14
Sustainable Development and Environmental Policy

Concepts; Measurement; Rules for sustainable development, Indicators of sustainable development; Perspectives from Indian experience; Ecosystem services and human well-being; Trade-off between environmental protection and economic growth; Environmental Kuznets’ curve. Pigouvian taxes and effluent fees, tradable permits; Liability Rules; Pollution Control Boards; Legislative measures of environmental protection in India, Economics of climate change.

Teaching Hours:14
Sustainable Development and Environmental Policy

Concepts; Measurement; Rules for sustainable development, Indicators of sustainable development; Perspectives from Indian experience; Ecosystem services and human well-being; Trade-off between environmental protection and economic growth; Environmental Kuznets’ curve. Pigouvian taxes and effluent fees, tradable permits; Liability Rules; Pollution Control Boards; Legislative measures of environmental protection in India, Economics of climate change.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Hanley, N., Shogren, J., Ben, W. (2002). Environmental Economics – In Theory and Practice. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Perman, R., Yue, M., Common, M., Maddison, D. &McGilvray, J. (2011). NaturalResource and Environmental Economics. (4th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education/Addison Wesley.

Kolstad, C D (2012). Environmental Economics. (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kolstad, C D, (2010). Intermediate Environmental Economics. (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Bhattacharya, R.N. Environmental Economics: An Indian Perspective. Oxford University Press. 2001

Conrad John : Resource Economics, Cambridge University Press, 2003

Stern, N., The economics of climate change – The Stern Review, Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern












Mid Semester Exam      ** End Semester Exam


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course introduces to some of the advanced econometric concepts and techniques. The course begins with an introduction to lag modeling and covers distributed as well as dynamic models. The students will then be introduced to the analysis of two major types of data used in econometric analysis viz. time series and panel data. The course also covers different approaches to econometric forecasting. Some of the important testing procedures such as Unit root tests, Seasonality tests, Structural break tests, Cointegration tests, and Model stability tests will be introduced to the students during this course. The modules will be delivered using econometric software applications such as EViews, Gretl, or STATA.

The course aims at providing students with: 

  1. an introduction to some of the advanced econometric concepts and techniques.
  2. the ability to apply advanced econometric techniques in the investigation of complex economic relationships using time series and panel data.
  3. the skills to make economic forecasting.
  4. hands-on training in econometric packages such as EViews, Gretl, or STATA.

Learning Outcome

CO1: The students will have the knowledge and skills required for the construction and estimation of lag models.

CO2: The students will have the knowledge and skills required to apply econometric methods for the analysis of time series and panel data.

CO3: The students will have the knowledge and skills required to make econometric forecasting.

CO4: The students will have the knowledge and skills required to use econometric software packages for the estimation of econometric models and forecasting.

Teaching Hours:10
Dynamic Econometric Models

Lags in econometric models: Distributed lag model, Autoregressive lag model; Reasons for lags; Estimation of distributed-lag model, The Koyck Approach to distributed-lag model; Estimation of autoregressive models; Causality in economics: The Granger causality test.

Teaching Hours:10
Dynamic Econometric Models

Lags in econometric models: Distributed lag model, Autoregressive lag model; Reasons for lags; Estimation of distributed-lag model, The Koyck Approach to distributed-lag model; Estimation of autoregressive models; Causality in economics: The Granger causality test.

Teaching Hours:10
Time Series Econometrics: Basic Concepts

Introduction to time series; Stationary and nonstationary time series; Spurious regression; Unit root tests: Dickey fuller and Augmented dickey fuller tests; Transforming non-stationary time series; Cointegration: Testing for cointegration, error correction mechanism.

Teaching Hours:10
Time Series Econometrics: Basic Concepts

Introduction to time series; Stationary and nonstationary time series; Spurious regression; Unit root tests: Dickey fuller and Augmented dickey fuller tests; Transforming non-stationary time series; Cointegration: Testing for cointegration, error correction mechanism.

Teaching Hours:13
Time Series Econometrics: Forecasting

Approaches to economic forecasting; ARIMA models; The Box-Jenkins methodology; Vector autoregression; Forecasting with VAR; Testing causality using VAR.

Teaching Hours:13
Time Series Econometrics: Forecasting

Approaches to economic forecasting; ARIMA models; The Box-Jenkins methodology; Vector autoregression; Forecasting with VAR; Testing causality using VAR.

Teaching Hours:12
Panel Data Regression Model

Introduction to panel data; Constant coefficient model; Fixed effect LSDV model; Fixed effect WG model; Random effects model, Properties of estimators.

Teaching Hours:12
Panel Data Regression Model

Introduction to panel data; Constant coefficient model; Fixed effect LSDV model; Fixed effect WG model; Random effects model, Properties of estimators.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Bhaumik, S. K. (2015). Principles of Econometrics: A Modern Approach using EViews. New Delhi: Oxford University Press

Gujarati, D. N. (2016). Econometrics by Example (2nd ed.). New Delhi: Palgrave.

Gujarati, D. N., Porter, D.C., & Gunasekar, S. (2017). Basic Econometrics. (5th ed.). New Delhi: McGraw-Hill.

Studenmund, A. H. (2016). Using Econometrics: A Practical Guide.  (7th ed.). New Delhi:  Pearson.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Enders, W. (2013). Applied Econometric Time Series (3rd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Hamilton, J. D. (1994). Time Series Analysis. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Koutsoyiannis, A. (1973). Theory of Econometrics. New York: Harper & Row.

Pindyck, R. S., & Rubinfeld, D. L. (1990). Econometric Models and Econometric Forecasts (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Wooldridge, J. M. (2002). Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data. Massachusetts: MIT Press.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern












* Mid Semester Exam      ** End Semester Exam


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course provides an introduction to neuroeconomics, an interdisciplinary field that integrates economic, psychological, and neuroscientific perspectives on decision-making. The course will explore the current state of knowledge regarding the neural mechanisms underlying decision-making processes and how they can be applied to refine or expand existing economic and psychological theories of decision-making.

The course aims at providing students with: 

  1. an introduction to neuroeconomic models.
  2. foundations on the concepts of values, preferences, choices, heuristics, and biases.
  3. an introduction to the brain and neuroimaging tools.
  4. understanding of Consumer Neuroscience and Neuromarketing.

Learning Outcome

CO1: The student will be able to understand the scope of interaction between psychological phenomena and economic variables.

CO2: The student will be able to develop the ability to effectively write about theories of the brain and familiarize students with the methods and techniques that are used in neuroeconomics.

CO3: The student will be able to apply the neuroeconomic theories to understand consumer decision-making.

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Neuroeconomics

Key concepts and terminologies in Neuroeconomics: Classical economic models vs. Neuroeconomic models. 

Teaching Hours:5
Introduction to Neuroeconomics

Key concepts and terminologies in Neuroeconomics: Classical economic models vs. Neuroeconomic models. 

Teaching Hours:13

Values; Preferences and Choices; The standard model; The neuroscientific basis of utility Beliefs; Heuristics and Biases; The standard model; Probability estimation; Self-evaluation bias- Projection bias- Causes of irrationality Decision making under risk and uncertainty; Risk-based assessment; Prospect theory; Reference points; Loss Aversion; Shape of utility function; Decision weighting Mental accounting; Nature and components of mental accounting; Framing and editing; Budgeting and fungibility; Choice bracketing and dynamics

Teaching Hours:13

Values; Preferences and Choices; The standard model; The neuroscientific basis of utility Beliefs; Heuristics and Biases; The standard model; Probability estimation; Self-evaluation bias- Projection bias- Causes of irrationality Decision making under risk and uncertainty; Risk-based assessment; Prospect theory; Reference points; Loss Aversion; Shape of utility function; Decision weighting Mental accounting; Nature and components of mental accounting; Framing and editing; Budgeting and fungibility; Choice bracketing and dynamics

Teaching Hours:15
Brain and the Neuroimaging tools

Sensory Systems of the Human Brain, Motor Systems of the Primate Brain, Eye Movements, Body Movements; Overview of Neuroscience Methods in Neuroeconomics.: fMRI, EEG, and other imaging techniques.

Teaching Hours:15
Brain and the Neuroimaging tools

Sensory Systems of the Human Brain, Motor Systems of the Primate Brain, Eye Movements, Body Movements; Overview of Neuroscience Methods in Neuroeconomics.: fMRI, EEG, and other imaging techniques.

Teaching Hours:12
Applied Neuroeconomics

Consumer Neuroscience and Neuromarketing.

Teaching Hours:12
Applied Neuroeconomics

Consumer Neuroscience and Neuromarketing.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Angner, E. 2016. A Course in Behavioral Economics (2nd ed.). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Glimcher, P. W., & Fehr, E. (Eds.). 2014. Neuroeconomics: Decision Making and the Brain. Netherlands: Elsevier Science.

Montag, C. & Reuter, M. (Eds). 2016. Neuroeconomics. Germany: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Wilkinson, N., &Klaes, M. 2012. An Introduction to Behavioral Economics. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Ariely, D. 2008. Predictably Irrational. New York: Harper & Collins.

Camerer, C. F., Loewenstein, G., & Rabin, M. (eds.). 2011. Advances in Behavioral Economics. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Cartwright, E. 2017. Behavioral Economics. London: Routledge.

Jalan, B. 1997. India's Economic Policy. New Delhi: Penguin Books India. Kahneman, 

Kahneman, D., & Tversky, A. (Eds.). 2013. Choices, Values, and Frames. In Handbook of The Fundamentals Of Financial Decision Making: Part I (pp. 269-278).

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern












* Mid Semester Exam      ** End Semester Exam


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Financial economics is the branch of economics concerned with the working of financial markets, such as the stock market and the finances of companies. The course focuses equally on the theoretical framework as well as the practical aspects of the functioning of financial markets.

Course Objectives:

The course aims to help students to:

1.understand the basic concepts related to financial economics.

2.understand the attitude towards risk and decision making under uncertainties

3.apply the concepts of risk and return to compute the optimal portfolio


Learning Outcome

CO1: understand the various concepts related to financial economics.

CO2: apply the time value of money in financial decisions.

CO3: Compute risk and return of a portfolio.

CO4: estimate various measures of bond prices and yields and intrinsic value of an equity.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Financial Economics

Investment Environment, Process, Alternatives and Criteria for Evaluation; Measuring Return and Risk: Historical and Expected; Time Value of Money: Future and Present Value Methods; von Neumann – Morgenstern Utility Index and Application-Risk and Insurance.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Financial Economics

Investment Environment, Process, Alternatives and Criteria for Evaluation; Measuring Return and Risk: Historical and Expected; Time Value of Money: Future and Present Value Methods; von Neumann – Morgenstern Utility Index and Application-Risk and Insurance.

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Portfolio Theory

Efficient Set/Frontier; Portfolio Diversification and Portfolio Risk: Markowitz Approach: Calculation of Portfolio Return and Risk, Portfolio Risk-2-security case, Mean-Variance Portfolio, Optimal Portfolio Choice; Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM): Central idea of CAPM, Basic assumptions, Security Market Line, Calculation of Beta; Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT): Basic Concept; Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH): Three Forms of EMH.

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Portfolio Theory

Efficient Set/Frontier; Portfolio Diversification and Portfolio Risk: Markowitz Approach: Calculation of Portfolio Return and Risk, Portfolio Risk-2-security case, Mean-Variance Portfolio, Optimal Portfolio Choice; Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM): Central idea of CAPM, Basic assumptions, Security Market Line, Calculation of Beta; Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT): Basic Concept; Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH): Three Forms of EMH.

Teaching Hours:10
Valuation of Fixed Income Securities and Valuation of Equity

Bond Characteristics; Bond Prices: Price-Yield Relationship; Bond Yields: Current Yield, Yield to Maturity, Yield to Call, Realized Yield to Maturity; Dividend Discount Model-Single Period.

Teaching Hours:10
Valuation of Fixed Income Securities and Valuation of Equity

Bond Characteristics; Bond Prices: Price-Yield Relationship; Bond Yields: Current Yield, Yield to Maturity, Yield to Call, Realized Yield to Maturity; Dividend Discount Model-Single Period.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Chandra, Prasanna (2017). Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.

Sharpe, W., Alexander, G. and Bailey, J. (2003). Investments, Prentice Hall of India, 6th edition.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Bradley, T. (2013). Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business. London: John Wiley & Sons.

Roser, M. (2003). Basic Mathematics for Economists.  (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern












Mid Semester Exam      ** End Semester Exam


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The primary aim of this course is to introduce students to the concept of institutions and their role in economics and society. This course introduces theoretical and empirical studies examining the role of formal and informal institutions that make economic interaction possible. This course also survey different types of institutions from formal contracts and property rights to informal institutions such as culture, informal norms, traditions and beliefs - that all influence human behaviour and economic interactions. Together all these rules and enforcement mechanisms are called institutions. We will discuss historical examples and analyse the modern institutions and their evolutions. How these formal and informal institutions are working in the Indian context, and what are the possibilities of improvement in formal institutions that may help the economic growth with more inclusiveness in nature? This course also delves into modern institutional theory, its current state, its methods and approaches. Special focus is made on how these instruments and approaches can be applied in modern days problems such as climate change, disaster management and economic growth

Learning Outcome

CO 1: Identify and explain economic concepts and theories, and create models that connect to a wide variety of interdisciplinary and real-life contexts

CO 2: Analyse and present critical perspectives on social issues through an institutional lens

CO 3: Develop skills to explore their own innovative competence and integrate theoretical discourses in the discipline of institutional economics

Teaching Hours:10
Basic Concepts of Institutions as a subject and the Methodology of Institutional Economic Theory

The emergence of institutional theory as a direction of economic science. The theoretical content of early institutionalism. Institutional concepts of T. Veblen. Economic - legal theory of J. Commons and others prominent thinkers in this discipline. The main prerequisites of the new institutional economic theory. Methodological comparativistics: an institutional and neoclassical approach to building models. The structure of institutionalism and levels of analysis. Neoinstitutional economic theory, its main directions. New institutional economic theory. Traditional institutionalism and new institutional economic theory: a comparative analysis. The subject field of the new institutional economic theory. Prospects for the development of a new institutional economic theory. The practical applicability of institutional theories.


Teaching Hours:10
Basic Concepts of Institutions as a subject and the Methodology of Institutional Economic Theory

The emergence of institutional theory as a direction of economic science. The theoretical content of early institutionalism. Institutional concepts of T. Veblen. Economic - legal theory of J. Commons and others prominent thinkers in this discipline. The main prerequisites of the new institutional economic theory. Methodological comparativistics: an institutional and neoclassical approach to building models. The structure of institutionalism and levels of analysis. Neoinstitutional economic theory, its main directions. New institutional economic theory. Traditional institutionalism and new institutional economic theory: a comparative analysis. The subject field of the new institutional economic theory. Prospects for the development of a new institutional economic theory. The practical applicability of institutional theories.


Teaching Hours:20
Elements of Institutional Economics and Transaction Costs

Routine Rule (norm) as a basic element of institutions. Institutional structure of society. Informal rules, their role in society. Classification of sanctions for noncompliance with informal rules. Conditions for the effectiveness of informal rules. Formal institutions. Hierarchy of rules according to D. North. Supraconstitutional rules. Constitutional (political) rules. Economic rules. The rights. Property rights. Classification of rights and rules E. Ostrom. The relationship between formal rules and informal norms. Types of interrelation of formal rules and informal norms. The role of enforcement mechanisms is to enforce the rules. Classification of sanctions. Self-fulfilling rules. The impact of institutions on the effectiveness of the economic system. 

The concept of "transaction costs". Sources of transaction costs and their scope. Types of transaction costs. Market transaction costs. Corporate Transaction, Costs Political Transaction Costs. Non-market transaction costs. Non-measurable transaction costs. Transaction costs and basic types of economic exchange: personalized exchange, non-personalized exchange without third-party contract protection, nonpersonalized exchange with third-party protection by the state


Teaching Hours:20
Elements of Institutional Economics and Transaction Costs

Routine Rule (norm) as a basic element of institutions. Institutional structure of society. Informal rules, their role in society. Classification of sanctions for noncompliance with informal rules. Conditions for the effectiveness of informal rules. Formal institutions. Hierarchy of rules according to D. North. Supraconstitutional rules. Constitutional (political) rules. Economic rules. The rights. Property rights. Classification of rights and rules E. Ostrom. The relationship between formal rules and informal norms. Types of interrelation of formal rules and informal norms. The role of enforcement mechanisms is to enforce the rules. Classification of sanctions. Self-fulfilling rules. The impact of institutions on the effectiveness of the economic system. 

The concept of "transaction costs". Sources of transaction costs and their scope. Types of transaction costs. Market transaction costs. Corporate Transaction, Costs Political Transaction Costs. Non-market transaction costs. Non-measurable transaction costs. Transaction costs and basic types of economic exchange: personalized exchange, non-personalized exchange without third-party contract protection, nonpersonalized exchange with third-party protection by the state


Teaching Hours:15
Theory of Contracts and Property Rights

Different approaches to the definition of the contract. Legal and economic approaches to the concept of "contract." The role of contracts in the coordination of economic agents. Types of contracts. The concept of a perfect contract. Limited rationality and the inability to conclude a perfect contract. Problems caused by incomplete real contracts. Adverse selection: the mechanism of occurrence and how to prevent it. Moral hazard: conditions of its occurrence and ways to prevent. Extortion as a form of opportunistic behaviour. 


Teaching Hours:15
Theory of Contracts and Property Rights

Different approaches to the definition of the contract. Legal and economic approaches to the concept of "contract." The role of contracts in the coordination of economic agents. Types of contracts. The concept of a perfect contract. Limited rationality and the inability to conclude a perfect contract. Problems caused by incomplete real contracts. Adverse selection: the mechanism of occurrence and how to prevent it. Moral hazard: conditions of its occurrence and ways to prevent. Extortion as a form of opportunistic behaviour. 


Text Books And Reference Books:

Menard, Claude and Mary M. Shirley, eds, Handbook of New Institutional Economics, Dordrecht: Springer, 2005.

North, Douglass C., John Joseph Wallis, and Barry R. Weingast, Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History, Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Acemoglu, Daron and James A. Robinson, Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty, New York: Crown, 2012.

Alston, Eric, Lee J. Alston, Bernardo Mueller, and Tomas Nonnenmacher, Institutional and Organizational Economics: Concepts and Applications, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2018.

Ménard, Claude and Mary M. Shirley, A Research Agenda in New Institutional Economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018.

Alston, L. J., Eggertsson, P., Eggertsson, T., & North, D. C. (Eds.). (1996). Empirical Studies in Institutional Change. Cambridge University Press.

Guha-Khasnobis, B., Kanbur, R., & Ostrom, E. (Eds.). (2006). Linking the Formal and Informal Economy: Concepts and Policies. Oxford University Press.

North, D. (1990). Institutions, Economic Theory and Economic Performance. Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Rodrik, Dani, Subramanian, Arvind, and Trebbi, Francesco, “Institutions Rule: The Primacy of Institutions over Geography and Integration in Economic Development,” NBER Working Paper 9305, 2002.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Eggertsson, Thrainn, Economic Behavior, and Institutions, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Furubotn, Eirik G. and Rudolf Richter, Institutions and Economic Theory: The Contribution of the New Institutional Economics, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1997.

Persson, Torsten and Guido Tabellini, Political Economics: Explaining Economic Policy (Zeuthen Lectures), MIT Press, 2000.

Acemoglu, Daron and James A. Robinson, Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Shirley, Mary M.,  Institutions and Development, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2008.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern












Mid Semester Exam      ** End Semester Exam


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


To explore complex world problems physicists, engineers, financiers and mathematicians require certain methods. These practical problems can rarely be solved analytically. Their solutions can only be approximated through numerical methods. This course deals with the theory and application of numerical approximation techniques.

This course will help the learner to


  1. learn about error analysis, solution of nonlinear equations, finite differences, interpolation, numerical integration and differentiation, numerical solution of differential equations, and matrix computation.

  2. emphasis the development of numerical algorithms to provide solutions to common problems formulated in science and engineering.

Learning Outcome

CO1: understand floating point numbers and the role of errors and its analysis in numerical methods.

CO2: derive numerical methods for various mathematical operations and tasks, such as interpolation, differentiation, integration, the solution of linear and nonlinear equations, and the solution of differential equations.

CO3: Apply numerical methods to obtain approximate solutions to mathematical problems.

CO4: understand the accuracy, consistency, stability and convergence of numerical methods.

Teaching Hours:15
Error analysis, Nonlinear equations, and solution of a system of linear equations

Errors and their analysis, Floating point representation of numbers, solution of algebraic and Transcendental Equations: Bisection method, fixed point Iteration method, the method of False Position, Newton Raphson method and Mullers method. Solution of linear systems, matrix inversion method, Gauss elimination method, Gauss-Seidel and Gauss-Jacobi iterative methods, modification of the Gauss method to compute the inverse, LU decomposition method.

Teaching Hours:15
Error analysis, Nonlinear equations, and solution of a system of linear equations

Errors and their analysis, Floating point representation of numbers, solution of algebraic and Transcendental Equations: Bisection method, fixed point Iteration method, the method of False Position, Newton Raphson method and Mullers method. Solution of linear systems, matrix inversion method, Gauss elimination method, Gauss-Seidel and Gauss-Jacobi iterative methods, modification of the Gauss method to compute the inverse, LU decomposition method.

Teaching Hours:15
Finite Differences, Interpolation, and Numerical differentiation and Integration

Finite differences: Forward difference, backward difference and shift operators, separation of symbols, Newton’s formulae for interpolation, Lagrange’s interpolation formulae, numerical differentiation. Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s one-third rule and Simpson’s three-eighth rule.

Teaching Hours:15
Finite Differences, Interpolation, and Numerical differentiation and Integration

Finite differences: Forward difference, backward difference and shift operators, separation of symbols, Newton’s formulae for interpolation, Lagrange’s interpolation formulae, numerical differentiation. Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s one-third rule and Simpson’s three-eighth rule.

Teaching Hours:15
Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations

Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, Taylor’s series, Picard’s method, Euler’s method, modified Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta methods, second order (with proof) and fourth order (without proof).

Teaching Hours:15
Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations

Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, Taylor’s series, Picard’s method, Euler’s method, modified Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta methods, second order (with proof) and fourth order (without proof).

Text Books And Reference Books:


  1. C. F. Gerald and P. O. Wheatly, Applied Numerical Analysis, 7th ed., Wesley, 2007.

  2. M. K. Jain, S. R. K. Iyengar and R. K. Jain, Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation, New Age Pvt. Pub, New Delhi, 2012.

  3. R. L. Burden and J. D. Faires, Numerical analysis, Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2005.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


  1. E. V. Krishnamurthy and S. K. Sen, Applied Numerical Analysis, East West Publication, 1986.

  2. F. Scheid, Schaum's Outline of Numerical Analysis, 2nd ed., Mc.Graw Hill, 2006.

  3. A. Grégoire, Numerical analysis and optimization: an introduction to mathematical modelling and numerical simulation, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.

  4. K. E. Atkinson and W. Han, Elementary numerical analysis. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2004.

Evaluation Pattern



Mode of Assessment





Written Assignment,

Reference work, etc.,

Mastery of the core concepts 

Problem solving skills.




Mid-semester Examination

Basic, conceptual, and analytical knowledge of the subject



Written Assignment, Project

Problem solving skills




Regularity and Punctuality




Basic, conceptual, and analytical knowledge of the subject





Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course description: It is a fundamental course in combinatorics involving set theory, permutations and combinations, generating functions, recurrence relations and lattices.

Course objectives: This course will help the learner to 

COBJ1. gain a familiarity with fundamental concepts of combinatorial mathematics.

COBJ2. understand the methods and problem solving techniques of discrete mathematics

COBJ3. apply knowledge to analyze and solve problems using models of discrete mathematics

Learning Outcome

CO 1: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to enhance research, inquiry, and analytical thinking abilities.

CO 2: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to apply the basics of combinatorics in analyzing problems.

CO 3: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to enhance problem-solving skills.

Teaching Hours:15

Permutations and combinations, laws of set theory, Venn diagrams, relations and functions, Stirling numbers of the second kind, Pigeon hole principle.

Teaching Hours:15

Permutations and combinations, laws of set theory, Venn diagrams, relations and functions, Stirling numbers of the second kind, Pigeon hole principle.

Teaching Hours:15

Permutations and combinations, laws of set theory, Venn diagrams, relations and functions, Stirling numbers of the second kind, Pigeon hole principle.

Teaching Hours:15

Permutations and combinations, laws of set theory, Venn diagrams, relations and functions, Stirling numbers of the second kind, Pigeon hole principle.

Teaching Hours:15

Permutations and combinations, laws of set theory, Venn diagrams, relations and functions, Stirling numbers of the second kind, Pigeon hole principle.

Teaching Hours:15

Permutations and combinations, laws of set theory, Venn diagrams, relations and functions, Stirling numbers of the second kind, Pigeon hole principle.

Teaching Hours:15

Permutations and combinations, laws of set theory, Venn diagrams, relations and functions, Stirling numbers of the second kind, Pigeon hole principle.

Teaching Hours:15

Principle of inclusion and exclusion, generating functions, partitions of integers and recurrence relations.

Teaching Hours:15

Principle of inclusion and exclusion, generating functions, partitions of integers and recurrence relations.

Teaching Hours:15

Principle of inclusion and exclusion, generating functions, partitions of integers and recurrence relations.

Teaching Hours:15

Principle of inclusion and exclusion, generating functions, partitions of integers and recurrence relations.

Teaching Hours:15

Principle of inclusion and exclusion, generating functions, partitions of integers and recurrence relations.

Teaching Hours:15

Principle of inclusion and exclusion, generating functions, partitions of integers and recurrence relations.

Teaching Hours:15

Principle of inclusion and exclusion, generating functions, partitions of integers and recurrence relations.

Teaching Hours:15
Lattice Theory

Partially ordered set, lattices and their properties, duality principle, lattice homomorphisms, product lattices, modular and distributive lattices, Boolean lattices.

Teaching Hours:15
Lattice Theory

Partially ordered set, lattices and their properties, duality principle, lattice homomorphisms, product lattices, modular and distributive lattices, Boolean lattices.

Teaching Hours:15
Lattice Theory

Partially ordered set, lattices and their properties, duality principle, lattice homomorphisms, product lattices, modular and distributive lattices, Boolean lattices.

Teaching Hours:15
Lattice Theory

Partially ordered set, lattices and their properties, duality principle, lattice homomorphisms, product lattices, modular and distributive lattices, Boolean lattices.

Teaching Hours:15
Lattice Theory

Partially ordered set, lattices and their properties, duality principle, lattice homomorphisms, product lattices, modular and distributive lattices, Boolean lattices.

Teaching Hours:15
Lattice Theory

Partially ordered set, lattices and their properties, duality principle, lattice homomorphisms, product lattices, modular and distributive lattices, Boolean lattices.

Teaching Hours:15
Lattice Theory

Partially ordered set, lattices and their properties, duality principle, lattice homomorphisms, product lattices, modular and distributive lattices, Boolean lattices.

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Ralph P. Grimaldi, Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics – An applied introduction, Pearson Addison Wesley, 5th Edition, 2004.
  2. Rosen, Kenneth. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications. United Kingdom, McGraw-Hill Education, 2006.
  3. Jongsma Calvin, Discrete Mathematics: Chapter 0, Table of Contents and Preface, Faculty Work: Comprehensive List. Paper 426, 2016.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. R. A. Brualdi, Introductory Combinatorics, 5th ed., China Machine Press, 2009.
  2. E. A. Bender and S. G. Williamson, Foundations of combinatorics with applications, Dover Publ., 2007.
  3. J. P. Tremblay and R. Manohar, Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science, 1st ed., McGraw Hill Education, 2017.
Evaluation Pattern



Mode of Assessment





Written Assignment

Mastery of the core concepts

Problem solving skills




Mid-semester Examination

Basic, conceptual and analytical knowledge of the subject



Written Assignment, Test

Problem solving skills




Regularity and Punctuality




Basic, conceptual and analytical knowledge of the subject




MAT641D - NUMBER THEORY (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course is an introduction to elementary topics of analytical number theory. Topics such as divisibility, congruences and number-theoretic functions are discussed in this course. Some of the applications of these concepts are also included.

Course Objectives: This course will help the learner to

COBJ1. engage in sound mathematical thinking and reasoning.

COBJ2. analyze, evaluate, or solve problems for given data or information.

COBJ3. understand and utilize mathematical functions and empirical principles and processes.

COBJ4. develop critical thinking skills, communication skills, and empirical and quantitative skills.

Learning Outcome

CO1: After the completion of this course, learners are expected to effectively express the concepts and results of number theory.

CO2: After the completion of this course, learners are expected to understand the logic and methods behind the proofs in number theory.

CO3: After the completion of this course, learners are expected to solve challenging problems in number theory.

CO4: After the completion of this course, learners are expected to present specific topics and prove various ideas with mathematical rigour.

Teaching Hours:15

The division algorithm, the greatest common divisor, the Euclidean algorithm, the linear Diophantine equation, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, distribution of primes.

Teaching Hours:15

The division algorithm, the greatest common divisor, the Euclidean algorithm, the linear Diophantine equation, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, distribution of primes.

Teaching Hours:15

The division algorithm, the greatest common divisor, the Euclidean algorithm, the linear Diophantine equation, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, distribution of primes.

Teaching Hours:15

The division algorithm, the greatest common divisor, the Euclidean algorithm, the linear Diophantine equation, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, distribution of primes.

Teaching Hours:15

The division algorithm, the greatest common divisor, the Euclidean algorithm, the linear Diophantine equation, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, distribution of primes.

Teaching Hours:15

The division algorithm, the greatest common divisor, the Euclidean algorithm, the linear Diophantine equation, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, distribution of primes.

Teaching Hours:15

The division algorithm, the greatest common divisor, the Euclidean algorithm, the linear Diophantine equation, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, distribution of primes.

Teaching Hours:15
Linear Congruence

Basic properties of congruences, systems of residues, number conversions, linear congruences and Chinese remainder theorem, a system of linear congruences in two variables, Fermat’s Little Theorem and pseudoprimes, Wilson’s Theorem.

Teaching Hours:15
Linear Congruence

Basic properties of congruences, systems of residues, number conversions, linear congruences and Chinese remainder theorem, a system of linear congruences in two variables, Fermat’s Little Theorem and pseudoprimes, Wilson’s Theorem.

Teaching Hours:15
Linear Congruence

Basic properties of congruences, systems of residues, number conversions, linear congruences and Chinese remainder theorem, a system of linear congruences in two variables, Fermat’s Little Theorem and pseudoprimes, Wilson’s Theorem.

Teaching Hours:15
Linear Congruence

Basic properties of congruences, systems of residues, number conversions, linear congruences and Chinese remainder theorem, a system of linear congruences in two variables, Fermat’s Little Theorem and pseudoprimes, Wilson’s Theorem.

Teaching Hours:15
Linear Congruence

Basic properties of congruences, systems of residues, number conversions, linear congruences and Chinese remainder theorem, a system of linear congruences in two variables, Fermat’s Little Theorem and pseudoprimes, Wilson’s Theorem.

Teaching Hours:15
Linear Congruence

Basic properties of congruences, systems of residues, number conversions, linear congruences and Chinese remainder theorem, a system of linear congruences in two variables, Fermat’s Little Theorem and pseudoprimes, Wilson’s Theorem.

Teaching Hours:15
Linear Congruence

Basic properties of congruences, systems of residues, number conversions, linear congruences and Chinese remainder theorem, a system of linear congruences in two variables, Fermat’s Little Theorem and pseudoprimes, Wilson’s Theorem.

Teaching Hours:15
Number Theoretic Functions

The Greatest Integer Function, Euler’s Phi-Function, Euler’s theorem, Some Properties of Phi-function. Applications of Number Theory: Hashing functions, pseudorandom Numbers, check bits, cryptography.


Teaching Hours:15
Number Theoretic Functions

The Greatest Integer Function, Euler’s Phi-Function, Euler’s theorem, Some Properties of Phi-function. Applications of Number Theory: Hashing functions, pseudorandom Numbers, check bits, cryptography.


Teaching Hours:15
Number Theoretic Functions

The Greatest Integer Function, Euler’s Phi-Function, Euler’s theorem, Some Properties of Phi-function. Applications of Number Theory: Hashing functions, pseudorandom Numbers, check bits, cryptography.


Teaching Hours:15
Number Theoretic Functions

The Greatest Integer Function, Euler’s Phi-Function, Euler’s theorem, Some Properties of Phi-function. Applications of Number Theory: Hashing functions, pseudorandom Numbers, check bits, cryptography.


Teaching Hours:15
Number Theoretic Functions

The Greatest Integer Function, Euler’s Phi-Function, Euler’s theorem, Some Properties of Phi-function. Applications of Number Theory: Hashing functions, pseudorandom Numbers, check bits, cryptography.


Teaching Hours:15
Number Theoretic Functions

The Greatest Integer Function, Euler’s Phi-Function, Euler’s theorem, Some Properties of Phi-function. Applications of Number Theory: Hashing functions, pseudorandom Numbers, check bits, cryptography.


Teaching Hours:15
Number Theoretic Functions

The Greatest Integer Function, Euler’s Phi-Function, Euler’s theorem, Some Properties of Phi-function. Applications of Number Theory: Hashing functions, pseudorandom Numbers, check bits, cryptography.


Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. D. M. Burton, Elementary Number Theory, 7th ed., New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill, 2012.
  2. S. Kundu and S. Mazumder, Number Theory and Its Applications, Bocca Raton: CRC Press, 2022.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. K. H. Rosen, Elementary Number Theory, 6th ed., New Delhi: Pearson Education India, 2015.
  2. G. Effinger and G. L. Mullen, Elementary Number Theory, Bocca Raton: CRC Press, 2021.
  3. J. Pommersheim, T. K. Marks and E. L. Flapan, Number Theory, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
  4. J. H. Silverman, A friendly introduction to number theory, London: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006.
  5. Niven, H.S. Zuckerman and H.L. Montgomery, An introduction to the theory of numbers, 5th ed., New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012.
Evaluation Pattern



Mode of Assessment





Written Assignment

Reference work  

Mastery of the core concepts  

Problem solving skills



Mid-semester Examination

Basic, conceptual and analytical knowledge of the subject



Written Assignment / Project

Written assignment based on Binary and Decimal representation of integers.




Regularity and Punctuality




Basic, conceptual and analytical knowledge of the subject





Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:Financial Mathematics deals with the solving of financial problems by using Mathematical methods. This course aims at introducing the basic ideas of deterministic mathematics of finance. The course focuses on imparting sound knowledge on elementary notions like simple interest, complex interest (annual and non-annual), annuities (varying and non-varying), loans and bonds.

Course objectives: This course will help the learner to

COBJ 1: gain familiarity in solving problems on Interest rates and Level Annuitiesd

COBJ 2: derive formulae for different types of varying annuities and solve its associated problems

COBJ 3: gain in depth knowledge on Loans and Bonds and hence create schedules for Loan Repayment and Bond Amortization Schedules.

Learning Outcome

CO1: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to deal with the elementary notions like simple interest, compound interest and Annuities.

CO2: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to solve simple problems on interest rates, annuities, varying annuities, non-annual interest rates, loans and bonds.

CO3: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to apply the formulae appropriately in solving problems that mimics real life scenario.

Teaching Hours:15
Interest Rates, Factors and Level Annuities

Interest Rates, Rate of discount, Nominal rates of interest and discount, Constant force of interest, Force of interest, Inflation, Equations of Value and Yield Rates, Annuity-Immediate, Annuity-Due, Perpetuities, Deferred Annuities and values on any date, Outstanding Loan Balances (OLB)

Teaching Hours:15
Interest Rates, Factors and Level Annuities

Interest Rates, Rate of discount, Nominal rates of interest and discount, Constant force of interest, Force of interest, Inflation, Equations of Value and Yield Rates, Annuity-Immediate, Annuity-Due, Perpetuities, Deferred Annuities and values on any date, Outstanding Loan Balances (OLB)

Teaching Hours:15
Interest Rates, Factors and Level Annuities

Interest Rates, Rate of discount, Nominal rates of interest and discount, Constant force of interest, Force of interest, Inflation, Equations of Value and Yield Rates, Annuity-Immediate, Annuity-Due, Perpetuities, Deferred Annuities and values on any date, Outstanding Loan Balances (OLB)

Teaching Hours:15
Interest Rates, Factors and Level Annuities

Interest Rates, Rate of discount, Nominal rates of interest and discount, Constant force of interest, Force of interest, Inflation, Equations of Value and Yield Rates, Annuity-Immediate, Annuity-Due, Perpetuities, Deferred Annuities and values on any date, Outstanding Loan Balances (OLB)

Teaching Hours:15
Interest Rates, Factors and Level Annuities

Interest Rates, Rate of discount, Nominal rates of interest and discount, Constant force of interest, Force of interest, Inflation, Equations of Value and Yield Rates, Annuity-Immediate, Annuity-Due, Perpetuities, Deferred Annuities and values on any date, Outstanding Loan Balances (OLB)

Teaching Hours:15
Interest Rates, Factors and Level Annuities

Interest Rates, Rate of discount, Nominal rates of interest and discount, Constant force of interest, Force of interest, Inflation, Equations of Value and Yield Rates, Annuity-Immediate, Annuity-Due, Perpetuities, Deferred Annuities and values on any date, Outstanding Loan Balances (OLB)

Teaching Hours:15
Interest Rates, Factors and Level Annuities

Interest Rates, Rate of discount, Nominal rates of interest and discount, Constant force of interest, Force of interest, Inflation, Equations of Value and Yield Rates, Annuity-Immediate, Annuity-Due, Perpetuities, Deferred Annuities and values on any date, Outstanding Loan Balances (OLB)

Teaching Hours:15
Interest Rates, Factors and Level Annuities

Interest Rates, Rate of discount, Nominal rates of interest and discount, Constant force of interest, Force of interest, Inflation, Equations of Value and Yield Rates, Annuity-Immediate, Annuity-Due, Perpetuities, Deferred Annuities and values on any date, Outstanding Loan Balances (OLB)

Teaching Hours:15
Interest Rates, Factors and Level Annuities

Interest Rates, Rate of discount, Nominal rates of interest and discount, Constant force of interest, Force of interest, Inflation, Equations of Value and Yield Rates, Annuity-Immediate, Annuity-Due, Perpetuities, Deferred Annuities and values on any date, Outstanding Loan Balances (OLB)

Teaching Hours:15
Varying Annuities

Non-level Annuities, Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression, Annuities with payment in Arithmetic Progression, Annuity symbols for non-integral terms, Annuities with payments less/more frequent than each interest period and payments in Arithmetic Progression, Continuously Payable Annuities.

Teaching Hours:15
Varying Annuities

Non-level Annuities, Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression, Annuities with payment in Arithmetic Progression, Annuity symbols for non-integral terms, Annuities with payments less/more frequent than each interest period and payments in Arithmetic Progression, Continuously Payable Annuities.

Teaching Hours:15
Varying Annuities

Non-level Annuities, Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression, Annuities with payment in Arithmetic Progression, Annuity symbols for non-integral terms, Annuities with payments less/more frequent than each interest period and payments in Arithmetic Progression, Continuously Payable Annuities.

Teaching Hours:15
Varying Annuities

Non-level Annuities, Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression, Annuities with payment in Arithmetic Progression, Annuity symbols for non-integral terms, Annuities with payments less/more frequent than each interest period and payments in Arithmetic Progression, Continuously Payable Annuities.

Teaching Hours:15
Varying Annuities

Non-level Annuities, Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression, Annuities with payment in Arithmetic Progression, Annuity symbols for non-integral terms, Annuities with payments less/more frequent than each interest period and payments in Arithmetic Progression, Continuously Payable Annuities.

Teaching Hours:15
Varying Annuities

Non-level Annuities, Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression, Annuities with payment in Arithmetic Progression, Annuity symbols for non-integral terms, Annuities with payments less/more frequent than each interest period and payments in Arithmetic Progression, Continuously Payable Annuities.

Teaching Hours:15
Varying Annuities

Non-level Annuities, Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression, Annuities with payment in Arithmetic Progression, Annuity symbols for non-integral terms, Annuities with payments less/more frequent than each interest period and payments in Arithmetic Progression, Continuously Payable Annuities.

Teaching Hours:15
Varying Annuities

Non-level Annuities, Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression, Annuities with payment in Arithmetic Progression, Annuity symbols for non-integral terms, Annuities with payments less/more frequent than each interest period and payments in Arithmetic Progression, Continuously Payable Annuities.

Teaching Hours:15
Varying Annuities

Non-level Annuities, Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression, Annuities with payment in Arithmetic Progression, Annuity symbols for non-integral terms, Annuities with payments less/more frequent than each interest period and payments in Arithmetic Progression, Continuously Payable Annuities.

Teaching Hours:15
Loans Repayment and Bonds

Amortized loans and Amortization Schedules, The sinking fund method, Loans with other repayment patterns, Yield rate examples and other repayment patterns, Bond symbols and basic price formula, Other pricing formula for bonds, Bond Amortization Schedules, Valuing a bond after its date of issue.

Teaching Hours:15
Loans Repayment and Bonds

Amortized loans and Amortization Schedules, The sinking fund method, Loans with other repayment patterns, Yield rate examples and other repayment patterns, Bond symbols and basic price formula, Other pricing formula for bonds, Bond Amortization Schedules, Valuing a bond after its date of issue.

Teaching Hours:15
Loans Repayment and Bonds

Amortized loans and Amortization Schedules, The sinking fund method, Loans with other repayment patterns, Yield rate examples and other repayment patterns, Bond symbols and basic price formula, Other pricing formula for bonds, Bond Amortization Schedules, Valuing a bond after its date of issue.

Teaching Hours:15
Loans Repayment and Bonds

Amortized loans and Amortization Schedules, The sinking fund method, Loans with other repayment patterns, Yield rate examples and other repayment patterns, Bond symbols and basic price formula, Other pricing formula for bonds, Bond Amortization Schedules, Valuing a bond after its date of issue.

Teaching Hours:15
Loans Repayment and Bonds

Amortized loans and Amortization Schedules, The sinking fund method, Loans with other repayment patterns, Yield rate examples and other repayment patterns, Bond symbols and basic price formula, Other pricing formula for bonds, Bond Amortization Schedules, Valuing a bond after its date of issue.

Teaching Hours:15
Loans Repayment and Bonds

Amortized loans and Amortization Schedules, The sinking fund method, Loans with other repayment patterns, Yield rate examples and other repayment patterns, Bond symbols and basic price formula, Other pricing formula for bonds, Bond Amortization Schedules, Valuing a bond after its date of issue.

Teaching Hours:15
Loans Repayment and Bonds

Amortized loans and Amortization Schedules, The sinking fund method, Loans with other repayment patterns, Yield rate examples and other repayment patterns, Bond symbols and basic price formula, Other pricing formula for bonds, Bond Amortization Schedules, Valuing a bond after its date of issue.

Teaching Hours:15
Loans Repayment and Bonds

Amortized loans and Amortization Schedules, The sinking fund method, Loans with other repayment patterns, Yield rate examples and other repayment patterns, Bond symbols and basic price formula, Other pricing formula for bonds, Bond Amortization Schedules, Valuing a bond after its date of issue.

Teaching Hours:15
Loans Repayment and Bonds

Amortized loans and Amortization Schedules, The sinking fund method, Loans with other repayment patterns, Yield rate examples and other repayment patterns, Bond symbols and basic price formula, Other pricing formula for bonds, Bond Amortization Schedules, Valuing a bond after its date of issue.

Text Books And Reference Books:

 L. J. F. Vaaler and J. W. Daniel, Mathematical interest theory. Mathematical Association of America, 2009.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. S. J. Garrett and J. J. McCutcheon, An introduction to the mathematics of finance: a deterministic approach, 2nd ed., Amsterdam: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, 2013.
  2. A. Černý, Mathematical techniques in finance: tools for incomplete markets. 2nd ed., NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009.
  3. C. Ruckman and J. Francis, Financial mathematics: a practical guide for actuaries and other business professionals. 2nd ed., Weatogue, CT: BPP Professional Education, 2005.
Evaluation Pattern



Mode of Assessment





Written Assignment

Reference work

Mastery of the core concepts  

Problem solving skills



Mid-semester Examination

Basic, conceptual and analytical knowledge of the subject




Problem solving skills




Regularity and Punctuality




Basic, conceptual and analytical knowledge of the subject





Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course description: This course aims at providing hands on experience in using Python functions to illustrate the notions of combinatorics, set theory and relations.

Course objectives: This course will help the learner to

COBJ1. gain a familiarity with programs on fundamental concepts of Combinatorial Mathematics

COBJ2. understand and apply knowledge to solve combinatorial problems using Python

Learning Outcome

CO1: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to attain sufficient skills in using Python functions

CO2: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to demonstrate programming skills in solving problems related to applications of computational mathematics.

Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Permutations
  2. Combinations
  3. Set construction and set operations
  4. Using Venn diagrams to visualize relationships between sets
  5. Recurrence relations
  6. Partially ordered sets
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Permutations
  2. Combinations
  3. Set construction and set operations
  4. Using Venn diagrams to visualize relationships between sets
  5. Recurrence relations
  6. Partially ordered sets
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Permutations
  2. Combinations
  3. Set construction and set operations
  4. Using Venn diagrams to visualize relationships between sets
  5. Recurrence relations
  6. Partially ordered sets
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Permutations
  2. Combinations
  3. Set construction and set operations
  4. Using Venn diagrams to visualize relationships between sets
  5. Recurrence relations
  6. Partially ordered sets
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Permutations
  2. Combinations
  3. Set construction and set operations
  4. Using Venn diagrams to visualize relationships between sets
  5. Recurrence relations
  6. Partially ordered sets
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Permutations
  2. Combinations
  3. Set construction and set operations
  4. Using Venn diagrams to visualize relationships between sets
  5. Recurrence relations
  6. Partially ordered sets
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Permutations
  2. Combinations
  3. Set construction and set operations
  4. Using Venn diagrams to visualize relationships between sets
  5. Recurrence relations
  6. Partially ordered sets
Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Amit Saha, Doing Math with Python: Use Programming to Explore Algebra, Statistics, Calculus, and More!, no starch press:San Fransisco, 2015.
  2. H P Langtangen, A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python, 2nd ed., Springer, 2016.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. B E Shapiro, Scientific Computation: Python Hacking for Math Junkies, Sherwood Forest Books, 2015.
  2. C Hill, Learning Scientific Programming with Python, Cambridge University Press, 2016.
Evaluation Pattern

The course is evaluated based on continuous internal assessments (CIA) and the lab e-record. The parameters for evaluation under each component and the mode of assessment are given below.



Mode of  Assessment




Mastery of the  concepts

Lab Assignments



Conceptual clarity and analytical skills

Lab Exam - I


Lab Record

Systematic documentation of the lab sessions.

e-Record work



Regularity and Punctuality

Lab attendance


95-100% : 3

90-94%   : 2

85-89%   : 1


Proficiency in executing the commands appropriately,.

Lab Exam - II





Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course will help the students to gain hands-on experience in using Python for illustrating various number theory concepts such as the divisibility, distribution of primes, number conversions, congruences and applications of number theory.

Course Objectives: This course will help the learner to

COBJ1. be familiar with the built- in functions required to deal with number theoretic concepts and operations.

COBJ2. develop programming skills to solve various number theoretic concepts.

COBJ3. gain proficiency in symbolic computation using python.

Learning Outcome

CO1: On successfully completing the course, the students should be able to use Python to solve problems in number theory, number conversions.

CO2: On successfully completing the course, the students should be able to use Python to demonstrate the understanding of number theory concepts.

CO3: On successfully completing the course, the students should be able to use Python to model and solve practical problems using number theoretic concepts.

Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Introduction to packages and libraries in Python.
  2. Division algorithm.
  3. Hexadecimal, octal and binary representation of the integers.
  4. Euclid algorithm.
  5. Prime factorisation of integers.
  6. Solution of a system of linear congruences.
  7. Number theoretic functions τ, σ and φ.
  8. Hashing functions, pseudorandom numbers.
  9. Parity check bits
  10. Cryptography
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Introduction to packages and libraries in Python.
  2. Division algorithm.
  3. Hexadecimal, octal and binary representation of the integers.
  4. Euclid algorithm.
  5. Prime factorisation of integers.
  6. Solution of a system of linear congruences.
  7. Number theoretic functions τ, σ and φ.
  8. Hashing functions, pseudorandom numbers.
  9. Parity check bits
  10. Cryptography
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Introduction to packages and libraries in Python.
  2. Division algorithm.
  3. Hexadecimal, octal and binary representation of the integers.
  4. Euclid algorithm.
  5. Prime factorisation of integers.
  6. Solution of a system of linear congruences.
  7. Number theoretic functions τ, σ and φ.
  8. Hashing functions, pseudorandom numbers.
  9. Parity check bits
  10. Cryptography
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Introduction to packages and libraries in Python.
  2. Division algorithm.
  3. Hexadecimal, octal and binary representation of the integers.
  4. Euclid algorithm.
  5. Prime factorisation of integers.
  6. Solution of a system of linear congruences.
  7. Number theoretic functions τ, σ and φ.
  8. Hashing functions, pseudorandom numbers.
  9. Parity check bits
  10. Cryptography
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Introduction to packages and libraries in Python.
  2. Division algorithm.
  3. Hexadecimal, octal and binary representation of the integers.
  4. Euclid algorithm.
  5. Prime factorisation of integers.
  6. Solution of a system of linear congruences.
  7. Number theoretic functions τ, σ and φ.
  8. Hashing functions, pseudorandom numbers.
  9. Parity check bits
  10. Cryptography
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Introduction to packages and libraries in Python.
  2. Division algorithm.
  3. Hexadecimal, octal and binary representation of the integers.
  4. Euclid algorithm.
  5. Prime factorisation of integers.
  6. Solution of a system of linear congruences.
  7. Number theoretic functions τ, σ and φ.
  8. Hashing functions, pseudorandom numbers.
  9. Parity check bits
  10. Cryptography
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics:
  1. Introduction to packages and libraries in Python.
  2. Division algorithm.
  3. Hexadecimal, octal and binary representation of the integers.
  4. Euclid algorithm.
  5. Prime factorisation of integers.
  6. Solution of a system of linear congruences.
  7. Number theoretic functions τ, σ and φ.
  8. Hashing functions, pseudorandom numbers.
  9. Parity check bits
  10. Cryptography
Text Books And Reference Books:

J.C. Bautista, Mathematics with Python Programming,, 2014.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

M. Litvin and G. Litvin, Mathematics for the Digital Age and Programming in Python, Skylight Publishing, 2010.

Evaluation Pattern

The course is evaluated based on continuous internal assessments (CIA) and the lab e-record. The parameters for evaluation under each component and the mode of assessment are given below.



Mode of  Assessment




Mastery of the  concepts

Lab Assignments



Conceptual clarity and analytical skills

Lab Exam - I


Lab Record

Systematic documentation of the lab sessions.

e-Record work



Regularity and Punctuality

Lab attendance


95-100% : 3

90-94%   : 2

85-89%   : 1


Proficiency in executing the commands appropriately,.

Lab Exam - II





Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: The course aims at providing hands on experience in using Excel/Python programming to illustrate the computation of constant/varying force of interest, continuously payable varying/non-varying annuities, increasing/decreasing annuity immediate/due, loans and bonds.

Course objectives: This course will help the learner to

COBJ1. aacquire skill in solving problems on Financial Mathematics using Python.

COBJ2. gain proficiency in using the Python programming skills to solve problems on Financial Mathematics.

Learning Outcome

CO1: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to demonstrate sufficient skills in using Python programming language for solving problems on Financial Mathematics.

CO2: On successful completion of the course, the students should be able to apply the notions on various types of interests, annuities, loans and bonds, by solving problems using Python.

Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Force of interest
  2. Level Annuities
  3. Outstanding Loan balances
  4. Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression
  5. Annuities with payments in Arithmetic Progression
  6. Continuously Payable annuities
  7. Amortization Loans and Amortization Schedules
  8. Bond Amortization Schedules
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Force of interest
  2. Level Annuities
  3. Outstanding Loan balances
  4. Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression
  5. Annuities with payments in Arithmetic Progression
  6. Continuously Payable annuities
  7. Amortization Loans and Amortization Schedules
  8. Bond Amortization Schedules
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Force of interest
  2. Level Annuities
  3. Outstanding Loan balances
  4. Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression
  5. Annuities with payments in Arithmetic Progression
  6. Continuously Payable annuities
  7. Amortization Loans and Amortization Schedules
  8. Bond Amortization Schedules
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Force of interest
  2. Level Annuities
  3. Outstanding Loan balances
  4. Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression
  5. Annuities with payments in Arithmetic Progression
  6. Continuously Payable annuities
  7. Amortization Loans and Amortization Schedules
  8. Bond Amortization Schedules
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Force of interest
  2. Level Annuities
  3. Outstanding Loan balances
  4. Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression
  5. Annuities with payments in Arithmetic Progression
  6. Continuously Payable annuities
  7. Amortization Loans and Amortization Schedules
  8. Bond Amortization Schedules
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Force of interest
  2. Level Annuities
  3. Outstanding Loan balances
  4. Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression
  5. Annuities with payments in Arithmetic Progression
  6. Continuously Payable annuities
  7. Amortization Loans and Amortization Schedules
  8. Bond Amortization Schedules
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Force of interest
  2. Level Annuities
  3. Outstanding Loan balances
  4. Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression
  5. Annuities with payments in Arithmetic Progression
  6. Continuously Payable annuities
  7. Amortization Loans and Amortization Schedules
  8. Bond Amortization Schedules
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Force of interest
  2. Level Annuities
  3. Outstanding Loan balances
  4. Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression
  5. Annuities with payments in Arithmetic Progression
  6. Continuously Payable annuities
  7. Amortization Loans and Amortization Schedules
  8. Bond Amortization Schedules
Teaching Hours:30
Proposed Topics
  1. Force of interest
  2. Level Annuities
  3. Outstanding Loan balances
  4. Annuities with payments in Geometric Progression
  5. Annuities with payments in Arithmetic Progression
  6. Continuously Payable annuities
  7. Amortization Loans and Amortization Schedules
  8. Bond Amortization Schedules
Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Y. Yan, Python for finance: financial modeling and quantitative analysis explained.  2nd ed., Packt Publishing, 2017. 
  2. A. L. Day, Mastering Financial Mathematics in Microsoft Excel - A practical guide for business calculations, 3rd ed., Pearson Education Limited, 2015.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. L. J. F. Vaaler and J. W. Daniel, Mathematical interest theory. 2nd ed., Mathematical Association of America, 2009.
  2. J. M. Weiming, Mastering python for finance understand, design, and implement state of-the-art mathematical and statistical applications used in finance with Python. Packt Publishing, 2015. 
  3. M. Humber, Personal finance with Python: using pandas, requests, and recurrent.  1st ed., Apress, 2018. 
  4. S. Fletcher and C. Gardner, Financial modeling in Python. Wiley, 2009.
  5. S. D. Promislow, Fundamentals of Acturaial Mathematics, 3rd ed., John Wiley and Sons Limited, 2015.
Evaluation Pattern

The course is evaluated based on continuous internal assessments (CIA) and the lab e-record. The parameters for evaluation under each component and the mode of assessment are given below.



Mode of  Assessment




Mastery of the  concepts

Lab Assignments



Conceptual clarity and analytical skills

Lab Exam - I


Lab Record

Systematic documentation of the lab sessions.

e-Record work



Regularity and Punctuality

Lab attendance


95-100% : 3

90-94%   : 2

85-89%   : 1


Proficiency in executing the commands appropriately,.

Lab Exam - II





Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course will help the students to have an in-depth knowledge of various numerical methods required in scientific and technological applications. Students will gain hands on experience in using Python for illustrating various numerical techniques.

 This course will help the learner to


  1. develop the basic understanding of numerical algorithms and skills to implement algorithms to solve mathematical problems using Python.

  2. develop the basic understanding of the applicability and limitations of the techniques.

Learning Outcome

CO1: implement a numerical solution method in a well-designed, well-documented Python program code.

CO2: interpret the numerical solutions that were obtained in regard to their accuracy and suitability for applications.

CO3: present and interpret numerical results in an informative way.

Teaching Hours:30
Numerical Methods using Python

Some basic operations in Python for scientific computing

Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations

a) Bisection method

b) Fixed point Iteration method

c) The method of False Position

d) Newton-Raphson method


Solution of linear systems

a) Gauss Elimination method

b) Gauss-Seidel Iterative method

c) Gauss-Jacobi Iterative method

d) LU Decomposition method


Numerical Differentiation and Integration


Solution of Differential Equations

a) Euler’s method

b) Runge Kutta method

Teaching Hours:30
Numerical Methods using Python

Some basic operations in Python for scientific computing

Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations

a) Bisection method

b) Fixed point Iteration method

c) The method of False Position

d) Newton-Raphson method


Solution of linear systems

a) Gauss Elimination method

b) Gauss-Seidel Iterative method

c) Gauss-Jacobi Iterative method

d) LU Decomposition method


Numerical Differentiation and Integration


Solution of Differential Equations

a) Euler’s method

b) Runge Kutta method

Text Books And Reference Books:

J. Kiusalaas, Numerical methods in engineering with Python 3, Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

H. Fangohr, Introduction to Python for Computational Science and Engineering (A beginner’s guide), University of Southampton, 2015.

Evaluation Pattern



Mode of Assessment




Mastery of the concepts

Lab Assignments



Conceptual clarity and analytical skills 

Lab Exam - I


Lab Record

Systematic documentation of the lab sessions.

e-Record work 



Regularity and Punctuality

Lab attendance


95-100% : 3

90-94%   : 2

85-89%   : 1


Proficiency in executing the commands appropriately.

Lab Exam - II

